How difficult is it to get my daughter registered for school ?

Hi, we are looking to relocate back to Malaga in June. I have my TIE but my wife has NIE that was obtained 2016, my daughter who is 6 needs to be registered for school (no NIE or TIE) My question is, how difficult is it to get my daughter registered so she can go to school and what option other than the reunification process does my wife have ? She will most likely be working in Gibraltar. Is there a way we can get this down in a decent timescale ? We have rental agreement but only I am registered on the padrón…. Any help would be greatly appreciated 👍🏻

Hello Paul,

Welcome on board !

Please note that I have created a new topic from your post on the Malaga forum so that members may guide you.

The thread where you initially posted is quite outdated.

