Policia Federal Document pickup

Hello I recently registered my nomad visa at Policia Federal in Sao Paulo/Lapa. I got this email from them saying that it is ready:

"Seu documento foi confeccionado e está pronto para ser retirado na unidade de atendimento DELEMIG/DREX/SR/PF/SP. Verifique no site oficial da Polícia Federal mais informações e se é necessário realizar agendamento."

It came from sismigra@dpf.gov.br but it doesn't have a link to the site or say which site - gov.br doesn't seem to be the one (though thats what comes up when googling "site oficial da Policia Federal") and the sending domain doesn't have a webpage.

Does anyone know how to set up a pick up of the document? Is it possible to pay an immigration agency to do the pickup or do I need to be physically present to receive the document?

Thanks in advance!

@vetemently when I registered with the Federal Police they provided a document to me the same day telling me when I could return and pick up my registration card. Maybe my circumstances were different?

Alright so this is how it goes

go to the main entrance make sure you have the original document paper with your picture that they gave you

they gonna tell you go to the other line in the back

and your picking up your documents they give you within 10 min

i got my resident card

2 weeks tops

there a cool 5 dollar buffet right next to the parking lot across from lapa

In Salvador they told me not to call or contact, just show up. I did and they handed it to me and that's it.

I received the same for my RNE. Try to book an appointment  using your case number. If there is no way to book,  you just turn up to collect your documents

Ok thanks everyone!  Does it have to be me who picks it up or can an immigration agency do it on my behalf?  Travelled for the virada to the south and wanted to spend more time down here.  If not, is there a limit to when it has to be picked up?

01/01/23 Ok thanks everyone! Does it have to be me who picks it up or can an immigration agency do it on my behalf? Travelled for the virada to the south and wanted to spend more time down here. If not, is there a limit to when it has to be picked up?

If you leave a Power of Attorney -- a "Procuração" with someone to pick it up for you, they should be able to do it with no problem.  You and your designee will probably need to go to a cartório with your identity documents to have it prepared.  it's a pretty standard document.

I would not delay picking it up or having it picked up any longer than about  one month after it was expected to be ready, for fear that it would be returned to Brasília as "unclaimed".


i got my residency back in dec via the vitem xi. I was told to come back in 45 days for the card. I looked at the docs they returned and the sheet they gave with my picture on it they wrote some stuff but no date to pick it up. Is it possible to check if it's ready? And when you went to lapa did you have to stand in the long line or were you able to bypass since it was just a pickup?

i got my residency back in dec via the vitem xi. I was told to come back in 45 days for the card. I looked at the docs they returned and the sheet they gave with my picture on it they wrote some stuff but no date to pick it up. Is it possible to check if it's ready? And when you went to lapa did you have to stand in the long line or were you able to bypass since it was just a pickup?

When you arrive at the PF in Lapa, go straight up and talk to the people at the gate, and do not wait in line. They are all there for other reasons and have appointments. You will be sent to a different place to pick up your new CRNM, it should be fast and easy.