Would being an autistic woman prevent me from moving to Singapore?

Per the post tile, it can be assumed that I'm a mildly autistic woman and I'm high functioning.  Is it possible that my condition may prevent me from moving to Sweden in the future? I know it may prevent me from moving to NZ and the like.

Copying and pasting on a load of forums suggests any answers would be pointless as you jave no serious plans

Sweden, or Singapore? It seems you are confused, right?

In any case, Singapore has no formal reservations against, but also no social provisions for disabled people of any kind. You would have to fend for yourself - which, in a very crowded place with limited privacy and quietness, could be a serious challenge for an autist.

@Fred I'm sorry that it may have come off that way , but I don't want to put my eggs all in one basket if that makes sense.

@beppi I forgot to change it, but thanks for the letting me know.