Driving after a few beers ( not totally hammered)

Been away a couple years and hear HCMC police now check and fine drinking bike  drivers even just a few beers. How prevalent is this and is it only HCMC or Iam I ok out in the provinces or is this everywhere ...sad rip Vietnam .

Been away a couple years and hear HCMC police now check and fine drinking bike drivers even just a few beers. How prevalent is this and is it only HCMC or Iam I ok out in the provinces or is this everywhere ...sad rip Vietnam .

Yeah, after that guy who only had "a few beers" killed those two kids and their mother with his bike, the police are being much more serious about getting irresponsible and potentially murderous drunks off of the roads.

Been away a couple years and hear HCMC police now check and fine drinking bike drivers even just a few beers. How prevalent is this and is it only HCMC or Iam I ok out in the provinces or is this everywhere ...sad rip Vietnam .

Well, the law is 0% alcohol whilst driving, if you feel you need to drink get a Grab or taxi.

How prevalent is this

I would like to clarify - Do you mean how prevalent are idiotic drunks on the roads, or how prevalent are the cops trying to stop drunks killing people?

Been away a couple years and...


Who was posting to your account that you were here in Vietnam (leaving) 7 months ago on April 6th, 2022?


Been away a couple years and hear HCMC police now check and fine drinking bike drivers even just a few beers. How prevalent is this and is it only HCMC or Iam I ok out in the provinces or is this everywhere ...sad rip Vietnam .

Decree No. 100/2019/ND-CP penalties for drunk driving

Level 3: >80 mg/100 ml of blood or >0.4 mg/1l of breath

Car = 30-40mill

Motorcycle 6-8mill

Bicycle, Motorized bicycle 600,000-800,000vnd

Drink drivers are not welcome on the roads in any country, stay home or get a Grab.

Hello everyone,

I am closing this thread ! Drink driving remains one of the major causes of serious injury and fatal road accidents anywhere in the world. I don't even understand how one can worry about getting fined or how to get away with it...

Driving under the influence of alcohol is incredibly dangerous for yourself and others.



[Topic Closed]
