Kit car registration

HI all, i am in the process of building a kit car which i shipped out from the uk a while back when its finished whats the procedure for registration of this type of car? Any help welcome. Are there any timescales for registering it even if its in bits as was once a registered car in the uk?

Kind regards ozzy


To be honest, I have no idea... but it sounds complicated. Have fun! :-)

I would suggest a consult with a sensible attorney who does this kinda thing. See bulgarianplates (dot com) as an example.

I suppose it's too late if the donor car is already in bits, but I'd probably do the re-registration of the donor car first. That way I'd have a license plate and an ownership document... and I'd just gloss over that I'd stripped the body and replaced it. But then I'd be paying annual taxes on it while it sits in my barn for 5 years waiting to be finished. :-)

Whether you do it now (as a Ford Escort) or later (as a Caterham on a Ford Escort) I'd imagine that having your UK registration for the donor car will ease the bureaucracy.

thanks for your kind advice, i didnt expect it would be simple, when i brought another old car over 10 years ago it had to have a special commissioner inspect it to agree what it was  as they didnt have the car in the police database as was the first in the country it had a special entry made for it, perhaps the special treatment was warranted as is over 50 yrs old now.

Sadly the donor car is unrecognisable and the car other than paint and new wheels and some panel alignment is ready now, sadly not a caterham but a Porsche 550 spyder from the 1950s.

Fingers crossed it will be ready if the build goes to plan next summer but thanks again.

Oooh... that's VERY fancy! Pretty sure there ain't many of those in Bulgaria!

In which case, I'd guess you'll need a special commissioner in Bulgaria too. And probably easier to pay the attorney mentioned in my last post just to go sort it all out for you. Personally, I wouldn't go to Kat on my own for even a simple transfer, so there's no way I'd try to handle something specialist like this!