Leisure activities in Mexico City for solo expats, couples and groups

leisure in Mexico City
Updated by Hannah Manhartsberger on 12 November, 2019

Mexico City is a meeting point for many different worlds and cultures. It has a plethora of interesting stories to share with those that are willing to listen. Whether you are moving there alone, with your partner or with your family, or you are planning to have friends visiting you, learn about the different leisure activities you will be able to enjoy.

Things to do by yourself in Mexico City

If you are alone, and interested in getting acquainted with Mexican culture, you should make attempts to find a neighbourhood mercado, or public market. These large gathering places may be found all throughout the city, and it's a real treat to stumble upon as you make your way around new areas. Not only will it provide you with the opportunity to find all kinds of tasty street food options and snacks, but you will get a feel for the different cultural expressions through a wide assortment of wares such as carpentry, clothing, toys, flowers, produce and so much more. Some specialise in the procurement of certain things, and you may keep coming back to certain mercados because of this!

Exploring the culture when you're by yourself in many ways can be more rewarding than when you are trying to adhere to a schedule with a group of people. You can really hone in on aspects of Mexico that intrigue you. For instance, if you would like to learn about genuine Mexican art, one thing that shouldn't be missed is the house of acclaimed Hungarian-Mexican painter Frida Kahlo that remains in historic Coyoacán. It is actually a museum and speaks wonderfully to the mysticism and surrealism that her art is so notorious for. Her muralist husband, Diego Rivera, also has a studio that you can visit in nearby San Angel afterwards.

These are just some examples, but there are many, and you should ask at any cultural centre you visit about others like the Spanish Cultural Center, Goethe German Centre, French Casa Francia near reform and Insurgentes metro station, and others.

You can attend all kinds of conferences in these kinds of spaces to get you thinking about the cultural wealth that permeates so much of Latina American life.

Things to do in Mexico City with friends and/or family

Groups should keep in mind that a lot of government-sponsored places are free on Sundays and this is a great thing as you can go from one place to the other without haven't to buy a ticket, so often you needn't worry about making a visit to a place of interest too brief.

The historic downtown district is a great place to be on Sunday as you can walk from one historic landmark and/or museum to the next. A great place to start is by walking around the beautiful Bellas Artes Palace. Its interiors are home to some of the best muralist works of arts, and its auditorium has all kinds of films, theatre works and special events like book presentations all year round.

When you need to take a break, you can do so surrounded by open spaces and trees at the adjoining Alameda Central where you can take a breath on the benches that surround the various fountain and statues, including a monument to one of the most significant figures in the country Benito Juarez.

However, if you really want to absorb the history of the city that used to go by the name Tenochtitlán you should head with a group to the Zocalo, the city square. Next to it, you can literally walk through the ruins of the Aztec empire's greatest pyramid, the major temple or ¨Templo Mayor.¨ It's a fascinating labyrinth of passageways where you can admire how the Mexican people would build an even bigger pyramid on top of a preexisting one as their empire increased in grandeur. A must-visit is also to the adjoining on-site Templo Mayor museum where you can view a number of priceless artefacts that have been excavated in the area, including the round moon rock which bears the dismembered body of an Aztec goddess as part of a local myth.

If you still have an itch for art and would like to slow things down a bit with a loved one, you can stop by the Artisan Market in San Angel where vibrant colours shine in the form of all sorts of hand-made crafts. It serves as an idyllic opportunity to pick up something that you like as the people who run the stands are very easy to talk to and love to answer questions about where certain styles come from. There's an innumerable collection of the alebrijes, mystical and colourful figurines that bear hybrids parts from different animals and insects. Young kids are sure to find some fun prospects to play with.

Leisure activities for couples in Mexico City

Chapultepec park is always a good option to share a date, not just because of its natural beauty that makes it ideal for setting up a picnic, but because it serves as host to many interesting museums that are particularly popular with young people.

One that shouldn't be missed is the castle and former military school that overlooks the whole park from the top of a tall hill. It's a great place to stroll through and admire the nuances that are present in its architecture and luxurious interior design. It's like visiting a fairy tale. The castle itself used to be a royal residence and has been preserved as an intriguing glimpse into 19th-century lavishness. You are encouraged to go on a day with clear skies as then you can really appreciate how the city meets the urban with dense vegetation.

One of the most beloved treats are juices, and in this city, there is always an occasion for celebration with loved ones. You will frequently see couples of all ages conversing and savouring on street stands, markets and juice shops.

The most delicious sodas, according to most locals, are guayaba, mamey, strawberry, arándano and mango, among others. You can also request them with added toppings to be mixed in, like granola.

 Useful links:

Travel and Leisure
Selina - Mexico City three-day itinerary
The Culture Trip

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