If you are intending on doing any sort of business within Tanzania, during which you will prospectively invest or will establish business contracts, then it is important that you obtain a business visa. It is important that you know how and when to arrange this visa, before you enter the country. The article below outlines general information about Tanzania's business visa, as well as eligibility criteria and requirements for your application.
Tanzania's business visa is issued once to foreigners to allow them to enter the country if they intend on doing at least one of the following:
- They are going to go there to do special assignments that require skills not readily available where they are needed; such as fixing or repairing machinery, running workshops or training
- They are professionals who intend on conducting professional roles, such as auditing accounts
- They plan on conducting lawful business in accordance with the laws of the country - this could range from establishing professional business contracts, collaborating and coordinating investments for companies that are in an early startup phase
You will need to provide at least the following upon your application for your business visa. Do note that requirements may vary depending on your duration of stay and types of business activity and that all requirements are subject to change.
Basic requirements:
- Your signed passport, which should have at least three completely blank visa pages (and two of these should be facing each other). Your passport also needs to be valid for one whole year beyond your entry date.
- Two photographs that are printed to the exact specifications required for this visa. For UK citizens, find the link below where you can upload this and have it printed at a service fee of £32 VAT.
- A business introduction letter. If you are entering the country for work and employed within your home country, your employer is required to provide a letter of introduction. Amongst other information, this letter will require your company letterhead and registration number, your name, nationality, date of birth, and passport number and expiry date. It should also mention the date, duration, and specific locations of your travel, and must specify the exact purpose for your visit. This letter must be addressed to the Embassy.
- A letter of invitation from the company you are visiting must also be submitted.
- One fully completed and signed application form
Do note that it is acceptable to submit a copy of both of the letters outlined above.
The fee for the business visa will vary and is generally calculated administratively on a case-by-case basis.
The validity of a single-entry business visa can vary from one two six months. You will have to indicate this when applying and might be required to submit further documentation for longer stays.
If one plans on entering and exiting the country multiple times within a short space of time, the business visa will likely have to be applied for and motivated by local Tanzanian contacts, who will complete the application on behalf of the applicants - a multiple entry visa cannot be issued by the consulate. A multiple entry visa can be valid for a range of one to twelve months.
Useful links:
Tanzania's entry requirements and visa information
Consulate of the United Republic of Tanzania
UK Citizens: Upload your photo here to have your visa application photo cropped and printed to exact specifications
We do our best to provide accurate and up to date information. However, if you have noticed any inaccuracies in this article, please let us know in the comments section below.