Cutting short of notice period

Hi everyone.
I  am from India and have been working in oman for past 3 years. My company has an habit of delaying salaries and due to that now i have 4 months salary pending. I finally decided to go back to India and put my resignation with one month notice period. Half of my notice period is done, but my employer has still not paid my dues and also not returning my passport. Can i refuse to continue working further and ask them to reduce the wages from my pending salary for the remaining days?

I'm mentally so disturbed that i cannot continue working. I want to return to India immediately. Can anyone advice me what to do?


I completely the situation you are facing with the employer wherein i was working muscat during 2007 -08 where during that time things were different of getting paid salaries on time n now its all about utilizing the expats especially indians. Well coming to ur point employer cannot deny or hold ur passport if you are serving notice period as per your employment contract terms. In case if you feel its intentionally done by the employer to hold you back there are two options provided either ask to clear pending salary dues asap to continue work or last option you can approach the labour committee or indian embassy to sort out with the employer to relieve you.

I have complained to the embassy.. but they're taking so much time.. is it like this always? Will they be able to sort out my issue?