Coming to Damman

Assalam alaikum
Hello Everyone,

I am coming to dammam soon as my husband is staying there.I am currently working in India,Bangalore in IT security.

Also,Can anyone advise me for the following.
1)How is life in dammam for women?
2)I am looking for job in dammam in IT,I know there's no room for women to work in IT in dammam,still as I have experience.I would like to know any way to work in IT atleast work from home.

Awaiting for the reply


Hi Nasreentaj,

Welcome to :)

Thank you

Expat-blog Team

Good luck dear.

There are restrictions on women working..but depending on your qualification and experience you can teach in schools and colleges around.
It would be difficult but not impossible to land up with an IT job.
In all cases you need to transfer your sponsorship from your husband to your employer.