Work permit

I am considering a job offer from an IT company based in Nairobi. The package seems great and I really look forward to joining the company. However, I was just wondering how long does it usually take to obtain a work permit? What is the general procedure?


hard question

A work permit takes anywhere from 3 - 6 months depending on your nationality and the company / agent pushing your case. A work permit can be processed within a few weeks if you have the right "agent".

Rajith be very careful as to whom you use and how you get your work permit. There are 'agents' who can assist you in getting one. However these agents work in cahoots with immigration officials to 'milk' you off your money with various technicalities. Depending on the class of your permit and or status you can apply accordingly. At times you can get permits within 3 weeks other times up to 3 months. Advise on your qualifications etc - perhaps would be advisable to have your company obtain the permit on your behalf