Laptop rental or borrowing

Does anyone know anywhere that will rent out / lend a laptop for just 3 - 4 weeks? We've recently bought our daughter a new Chromebook but this is not suitable for her exams. She needs a laptop with i5 CPU processor (minimum). This will be kept at the school (Le Bocage) for the exam period and it is only handed to our daughter at the beginning of each exam.  We really don't want to buy another one as we've no other use for it except the exams. I've asked at a couple of computer repair shops and offered MR500 a week to rent/borrow one and/or they get our daughter's old (5 years) Chromebook to keep, but they only had i3 CPU that they could offer so no use. She'd need it from around 23rd October to 17th November. Any ideas much appreciated.

may be IT Solvz can help, but I don't know if they rent single laptop for indivudal. You can ask them anyway

@yugirht Thank you, I'll check that out

Hello Andrew,

Core i5 laptop available for rent from a company. Let's switch in messages for details



were you able to get the laptop needed.

you can contact me if you want. I do have one that I can lend you no prob..



Hi, thanks all. I got one from