Post-Covid-19 situation in Morocco

Hello everyone,

The COVID-19 pandemic had a huge impact on the world, including on expats' lives. Travel restrictions, business closures, budget cuts, and health measures have created unprecedented challenges for those who have chosen to live in Morocco.

Now that the pandemic is moderated, expats are adjusting to a new daily routine. So tell us, how is your expat life now:

Are there still any health measures in place in Morocco? If so, what are they (wearing a mask, barrier measures, etc.)?

Have you noticed any changes in the population's habits or behavior after the pandemic?

What is your new work rhythm: do you still work remotely or are you spending more time in the office?

Have you changed your spending habits? If so, which ones?

Despite this pandemic and its consequences, how do you see your future in Morocco?

Do you have any advice for other expats and future expats on this new daily life in Morocco?

Thank you for your contribution.
Mickael team


Are there still any health measures in place in Morocco? If so, what are they (wearing a mask, barrier measures, etc.)?

To be honest, Morocco have not technically come out of the Health Emergency, however all rules have been relaxed and it's no longer mandatory to wear mask or to have covid vaccines. It's now optional only. Flying into Morocco you no longer need to fill a medical health foam and life is back to normal. (The new normal 😅)

Have you noticed any changes in the population's habits or behavior after the pandemic?

No, in all fairness we have seen everything excel far greater than post covid. More tourism, more spending, Morocco is more busier than ever from what I can see.

What is your new work rhythm: do you still work remotely or are you spending more time in the office?

As above, life is back to normal. However from an economy and country view, Morocco has excelled in digitalisation which most likely would not have happed as fast if it wasn't for covid. So where there is a negative there is always a positive outcome.

Have you changed your spending habits? If so, which ones?

Spending Habit have changed due to inflation not because of Covid. The spending habit for people have recently changed due to inflation increasing globally and cost of living has increased due to global political issues.

Despite this pandemic and its consequences, how do you see your future in Morocco?

Future in Morocco is great. Investment. Tourism, Busienss and life has improved rapidly and has great furtive potential.

Do you have any advice for other expats and future expats on this new daily life in Morocco?

Keep doing what you doing. Do your own Reserch don't relay on other and Follow your own way forward. If you want to move or live in Morocco I can highly recommend it but like everywhere just continue to do your Reserch and Move forward.


Arif Esa

I second Monsieur Wakil .

Love Morocco1f60d.svg

All that has been admitted by UK government to be a mistake masks dont work and thats official by the way and Covid was never much of a threat and that has been admitted by British government who some are under investigation for the mal handling of the situation which through lockdown caused more deaths than the non demic so its time Morocco got a grip and stopped having people as fools.

Hello Have a nice day,

Though we appreciate your feedback, it is off-topic on this post.

We would love to hear your views on the few questions asked by Mickael.

Thanks in advance
