Creole expressions: Tiombo-li...

Published on 2022-03-30 at 13:26
The Kreol language is full of beautiful expressions. This week, we are going to discover the word (or expression) tiombo.

Tiombo literally means "hold on". This expression is very often used colloquially. It is therefore not uncommon to hear “tiombo la em”, in other words “wait for me here”, or “tiombo li” for “stop it. »

Tiombo also has other variations. For example, when you are reversing in a car, the person who will help you in this maneuver will certainly shout "tiombo" to tell you to wait.

Finally, there is a sega, by Cassiya, which speaks of Tiombo li Madame. In other words, the performer asks a mom to “get hold of her daughter's suitor, not let him go. »

Article translated from Expressions créole : Tiombo-li !