
FRV to bring 17 year old child to Stuttgart

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Hello Forum Members.
I request some information from you.

I have a permanent job in Stuttgart and I applied for Family reunion visa for my family (husband and daughters) who are currently residing in India. While my husband and younger daughters received their visa, my elder daugther aged 17 was denied the visa on ground of no German language proficiency at c1 level.

During my application i did not have a Blue card but I will now have one in next month. Do you think it is possible to reapply under FRV for my elder daughter and bring her without language requirements.

I have heard from several familiies in Berlin and Munich whose 16-18 year old children joined them on FRV without language requirements but Blue card.

I will be grateful for any insights.

Thank you

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As far as I know, there is only a language requirement for dependents of German citizens - and then it is A1, not C1.
So I don't understand why your daughter's FRV was rejected - on which grounds (or based on whch law)?

However, she can only your dependent until 18 years of age - or until 24 if in an education financed by you. So, are you planning to bring her only for a year, or is she entering university here (for which there is a C1 language requirement for most courses)?
I can confirm what Beppi wrote. There would likely be no language requirement and if so just A1 which is a beginners level. C1 is needed for studying at a German taught University program. One only needs B1 to become a citizen, so it is simply not possible that such a level would be required just for immigration. Someone must be either mistaken or insincere in this claim.

But if she is turning 18 before she would arrive then she might not be eligible under a family reunion visa since she would then no longer be a minor.
A couple of links about the FRV.

Hello Forum Members.
I request some information from you.

I have a permanent job in Stuttgart and I applied for Family reunion visa for my family (husband and daughters) who are currently residing in India. While my husband and younger daughters received their visa, my elder daugther aged 17 was denied the visa on ground of no German language proficiency at c1 level.

During my application i did not have a Blue card but I will now have one in next month. Do you think it is possible to reapply under FRV for my elder daughter and bring her without language requirements.

I have heard from several familiies in Berlin and Munich whose 16-18 year old children joined them on FRV without language requirements but Blue card.

I will be grateful for any insights.

Thank you
- @ruchitakhurana

EU Bluecard at least waives language requirements in case of spouses, not sure about dependent children, but it´s possible.

Otherwise, the following applies:

"Nachzug zum Elternteil:

Minderjährige Kinder unter 16 Jahre müssen keine Sprachkenntnisse vorweisen. Minderjährige Kinder ab 16 Jahre, aber unter 18 Jahre müssen C1 Sprachkenntnisse nachweisen. Hintergrund: sie sind noch schulpflichtig, ohne fundierte Deutschkenntnisse ist die Integration in eine deutsche Schule in diesem Alter sehr schwierig. Volljährige können nicht zu ihrem in Deutschland lebenden Elternteil nachziehen."


Joining the parent:

Minor children under 16 years of age do not have to prove language proficiency. Minor children from 16 years, but under 18 years must prove C1 language skills. Background: they are still of school age, without a sound knowledge of German integration in a German school at this age is very difficult. Adult children cannot join their parent living in Germany.

Source (German Embassy in Argentina, but the same applies to all third country nationals):


@shahidaparveen0310 Your description is not clear about what your situation actually is.

For a family reunion visa (FRV, which is what this thread is about) to join a German citizen in Germany (but NOT to join non-citizens!), an A1 level of German is needed.

Are you or the other parent German?

You claim that the embassy is asking for C1 level. On what basis? C1 is needed to join certain school or university courses - but then it wold be a student visa, not a FRV.

A1 can be achieved in four months, C1 not.

An exemption from the A1 language requirement is possible if the child is incapable of learning the language (e.g. mentally disabled) or if there are no German classes available in your country.

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