Please help! Where do I start?

Hello all.

I am interested in renting in Sweden, but I can't seem to find any web sites or other information of any use.

Is there any information you could please give me regarding this matter?

web sites?, names of rental assosiations?

I would be most grateful for any information.

Thank you.

Hi David Bugg!

I think you should give more details about your project. It's a bit vague!


Hi Armand

Sorry, yes I am looking to rent a property.

Room, Appartment.

Any ideas??


You can search for bostader i ? (city you are planning to move), in and find housing companies at that city. there you can find a room in direkt or sign up for a queued system.

Good Luck ^^

Thank you to all of the above who have offered advice and support.

very kind!!