
Health Care in Ecuador 2021-22

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The nation's new administration is making a show of taking health care seriously.

The IESS health care program to which many Expats are subscribed is 'in crisis,' according to the new vice president, Dr. Alfredo Borrero.

Borrero has been touring government-funded hospitals in Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca and other large cities in Ecuador.  He has been talking with administrators, doctors and staff.

The vice president has concluded that the hospitals lack equipment, staff, supplies and training.  His goal is to bring the hospitals up to international standards.

Borrero says the government has lost tens of millions of dollars in money and resources largely due to "mafias" running supply schemes at Ecuadorian hospitals.  He says funds for hospitals were diverted by the long-running Correa administration to other purposes .. and not replaced.  The result is widespread inefficiency and inadequacy in the hospital system, he says.

Borrero learned that a Guayaquil hospital recently was turning away injured and sick non-covid patients under a policy that only covid patients would be treated there, without coordinating the policy with any of the city's other hospitals.

Borrero, who is also co-leading Ecuador's covid fight, is heading up the formulation of a national review of hospitals and a response to the IESS situation.

Borrero is a Cuenca native and neurosurgeon who was trained in family-practice medicine.  Between 2005 and 2014, he was medical director of Hospital Metropolitano in Quito, widely considered to be the leading hospital in Ecuador.  He has also been the head of a national association of private hospitals and has four decades of experience in hospital administration.

Sources... and the
                  Wikipedia page for Alfredo Borrero

See also

Healthcare in EcuadorEnglish-speaking PsychiatristPreventive care in EcuadorPsicologo Clinico ItalianoWho combines the best quality/price for HEALTHCARE INSURANCE?

An unsafe water supply in Ecuador's rural areas is adding to the national 'crisis' in health care.

Rural residents have been getting sick due to the lack of potable water, according to Vice President Borrero.  This has overloaded public hospitals.

"What is the use of having beautiful hospitals," he asks, "when 40 percent of Ecuadorians don't have clean water to drink?"



My new endocrinóloga ordered some medical tests on me in advance of a visit to her consultorio here in Quito this coming Monday.

I had blood drawn at Hospital Santa Bárbara one block from my condo on Friday .. and received the results the next day.

The remaining test, a $30 ecografía a/k/a ultrasound, is not available on weekends at the Santa Bárbara.

However, Dr. Aguirre referred me to a company called Zonar, which sent a doctor to my condo this afternoon .. where he performed the 'eco'.  The 'a domicilio' price was higher than the hospital would charge, as I paid $60 for the convenience.  (The cost of an ultrasound exam in the USA is about $200, according to Parents Magazine, if not covered by insurance.  If deemed medically necessary, the USA procedure is likely covered for an insured person.)

The 'eco' doc said he would forward to me and Dr. Aguirre the results in time for our Monday appointment at Torres Médicas de Hospital Metropolitano.



cccmedia wrote:

My new endocrinóloga ordered some medical tests on me in advance of a visit to her consultorio here in Quito (on) Monday.

I had blood drawn at Hospital Santa Bárbara one block from my condo on Friday .. and received the results the next day.

Dra. Aguirre discovered an important error in my blood-test results.

The results the hospital issued showed my cortisol to be at several times the number at the top of the acceptable range for a patient's cortisol.

During our 'cita' today, Dra. Aguirre spoke on the phone with the head of the Santa Bárbara lab, Dra. Naranjo.

In short order, Dra. Aguirre got confirmation that the cortisol reading was a hospital error .. and my actual reading put me within the acceptable range for cortisol levels.

Minutes later, still during our appointment, we received another call from the hospital.  This time they told Dra. Aguirre that my next round of testing at Santa Bárbara would be gratis due to the hospital's cortisol-testing error!



Why was Hospital Santa Bárbara so quick to offer me free testing after acknowledging the facility's testing-results error?

I see a connection between that offer and what we learned about earlier in this thread -- that the Lasso administration is investigating and planning to correct massive deficiencies in the nation's public hospitals.  (Santa Bárbara is a government IESS hospital.)

By palliating for some patients -- in this case yours truly -- via some on-the-house testing, the hospital avoids the likelihood of complaints about its procedures and the potential wrath of Ecuador's vice-president and his boss.

Hospital Santa Bárbara is out-of-the-way for most Expats since almost nobody speaks passable English here in my sector.  For me, though, its location is ideal -- just one short block down Garcia Moreno from my condo building.

Now if they could just perfect their testing/results procedure....

cccmedia in Centro Histórico, Quito


My dental appointment in El Centro yesterday worked out, but it was touch 'n go just finding the place.  I was on the right block but there were no signs or markings outside indicating there was a dental office on the premises.

Fortunately, I was able to call the dentist on my cellphone.  He sent his teenage son downstairs who waved me over and guided me to the right door.  The problem was that I wrote down 8-16 as part of the address on Calle Venezuela (which is how the address is shown at a Google page), and the correct number is 8-61.

The low-light entry area and steps to go up one flight were tricky, but with 'el hijo' leading the way .. I carefully arrived at the 'consultorio' and had a successful appointment.

There was a one-hour wait after I arrived 15 minutes tardy as Dr. Freddy worked on another patient.  Fortunately, his consultorio has excellent WiFi and I was able to fill the hour with web cruising and email.

cccmedia in Quito


Saying that "nothing is more important than the health of our citizens," Vice President Alfredo Borrero has announced that corruption in the procurement of medicines is so bad in public and IESS Social Security hospitals that the process has to be taken out of these hospitals' hands.

The government will begin turning over the medicine-distribution process to private and municipal pharmacies, says Dr. Borrero.  The pharmacies in public hospitals will close;  the aim is to curtail shortages of medicine caused by gross corruption.

Borrero vows to imprison those responsible for theft and corruption.  "We will fix the system," he says, noting that giving Ecuadorian people the health care they deserve is the government's top priority.

Presidente Lasso had named Borrero to lead an investigation of the inadequacies and corruption that have plagued government hospitals.  That investigation is ongoing.



The Health Ministry has announced it will re-stock the public and IESS hospital pharmacies with essential medicines.

It has been known for years that meds have been missing or stolen from these pharmacies, apparently due to corrupt individuals and a culture of corruption.

Ecuador is receiving $325-million from the Development Bank of South America to bolster its public health system, including the fight against covid and acquisition of medicines.

Presidente Lasso says the government has developed new procedures so the disappearance of massive amounts of medicine cannot re-occur in coming years.



Healthy thyroid function requires iodine.

Iodine is frequently needed by the thyroid gland to make a number of hormones that control your health; Small quantities of iodine must be consumed every day, and can be found in the molecular structure of several thyroid hormones. This metabolic system is very complex and so important that the body has multiple pathways to accomplish metabolism with these hormones. Broad-spectrum vitamins contain the essential cofactors boron and iodine, from reliable suppliers. Unfortunately, the vitamins do not contain enough iodine and you will need to add iodine supplements to your diet.

None of the salts labeled as Kosher, black, pink, flaky, gray, smoky, or fleur de sal contain iodine. Local "Sal de Mesa" is the Spanish name for white table salt, and along with the two varieties of sea salt: white salt and pink Himalayan Sea salt; NONE contain iodine. Here, iodized salt is referred to as Sal Yodada. The vast majority of Ecuadorean medical professionals, nutritionists, homeopaths, and grocery store employees are unaware of it and do not advocate for everyone to use it.  Please help by asking retailers to keep additional Sal Yodada and Sea Salt Yodada on hand*.

*Differentiated pricing: white fine Sal de Mesa is 37 cents and Sal Yodada is 42 cents.

Reluctant to eat salt? Natural food retailers sell iodine drops. Take note of their labelling / concentrations because each natural store’s recipe for iodine drops is different, so pay attention to it. The recommended dosage is 2 to 4 drops, but Iodine in excess will make you sick, always heed the limits.

Source: Cuenca highlife


Eating a couple sardines every week reportedly satisfies the body’s iodine requirements as well as providing numerous other nutritional benefits.


@ledale7cd 👍🏼 not to mention protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D and calcium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids. I just love them mixed with minced red onion, salt n pepper on buttered and lightly mayonnaised toast; Excellent and very healthy 'fast food' for older adults to get daily nutrients and help stave off osteoperosis. The vitamin D content helps the body absorb calcium...



Consider the effects of altitude and dryness on your body and mental health as you age; It is important to drink water especially in the Sierra. And As You Get Older, You Need to Drink More Water. Here's Why


Compiled by: Monica Richter

Arnaldo Liechtenstein, Neurology: Confusions in the elderly

"Whenever I teach clinical medicine to fourth-year medical students, I ask the following question:

"What are the causes of mental confusion in older people?"

Some answer: "Tumors in the head." lanswer: No!

Others suggest: "The first symptoms of Alzheimer's disease."

lanswer again: No!

With each rejection of their answers, they become frustrated. And they are left speechless when I notice the most common cause:


• It may seem like a joke; but it is not. The last cause is unsuspected and very important.

*   People over 60 usually stop feeling thirsty as their bodies autonomic awareness fails and, consequently, stop drinking liquids.

*   When there is no one around to remind them to drink fluids, they quickly become dehydrated.

*   Dehydration is serious and affects the entire body.

It may cause muscle weakness, tiredness, apathy, lack of motivation, sudden mental confusion, drop in blood pressure, increased heart palpitations, angina (chest pain). In very extreme cases, coma and even death.

*   This habit of forgetting to drink liquids begins at age 60, when we have just over 50% of the water we should have in our body.

*   People over 50 years of age have a smaller water reserve. This is part of the natural aging process.

*   But there are more complications. Although they are dehydrated, they do not feel like drinking water, because their internal balance mechanisms do not work very well.


People over 50 become dehydrated easily, not only because they have a lower water supply; but also because they face reduced awareness of their dehydration. Although people over 60 may appear healthy, forcing the bodies metabolic chemical reactions to function without water can harm their entire body.


1) Get into the habit of drinking liquids. Liquids include water, juices, teas, flavored water, milk, soups, and water-rich fruits, such as watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, and pineapple; Orange and tangerine also work. But above all, WATER!

The important thing is that, every two hours, you drink a little liquid.

Remember this!

2) Alert for family members: Constantly offer liquids to people over 60 years of age. At the same time, observe them. If you notice that he refuses fluids and is irritable, short of breath, or suffering mental confusion, these are almost certainly recurring symptoms of dehydration.

3) Including essential nutrients and minerals is essential for hydration; Suggestions: drink your water with (small doses of) lime, Himalayan salt, and/or apple vinegar.

*   Researchers say that as people age, they need to drink more water to compensate for changes in their body temperature regulation.

*   They say dehydration can cause a number of ailments, including muscle pain, fatigue, and heat exhaustion.

*   They urge older adults to drink water even when they aren't thirsty and to limit beverages such as soda, coffee, and alcohol, which can cause dehydration.

Are you inspired to drink more water now?

Sources: … -heres-why … hydration/ … -UWQRpbuMI

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