
Finding work in Portugal



My name is Kristof. I'm from Antwerp Belgium, originally. For the last 18 years I've worked in the chemical industry, overseeing field execution of pre-turnaround, construction, turnaround and post turnaround activities.

A few years ago I bought a small house close to Peniche. Since then I've divided my time, working projects in leading chemical companies (Total, Dow Chemical, Exxonmobil) in Belgium and the Netherlands , and renovating my home in Portugal.

I've been wanting to move full time to Portugal, however it's been quite challenging to find work in my area. Especially as I don't fully speak the language.

I'm very motivated to make this move work, and am willing to do other kinds of work while making the transition.

I have renovated two homes in Belgium so have plenty of experience with construction.
I'm keen to explore other fields as well, such as renewable energies, and have recently developed an interest in aqua and hydroponics.
I'm also an experienced traveler and can offer valuable input/participate in tourism related activities (surf tourism/campervan travel/holiday home rentals). I'm fluent in English and Netherlands. I can understand Portuguese reasonably well but still struggle with speaking it.

Please do get in touch if you can offer any advice on making the transition to industry work in Portugal or if you have/would like to explore other projects/work related activities.

Best regards,
Kristof Van Herck

See also

Job offers in LisbonWorking in LisbonUnderstanding the work culture in LisbonThe labor market in LisbonSetting up a business in Portugal

Hi Kristof,

Welcome to this forum. Maybe the information below can help you on your search concerning chemical industry and renewables in Portugal.

You can also check this link:
Job opportunities available in Portugal for english speakers:


A. Chemical Industry:

1. In Portugal, the main chemical industry clusters are located at:
- Leça da Palmeira, near Matosinhos/Porto (north)
- Estarreja/Aveiro (north)
- Sines (south):

Some of these chemical companies (industry/production, distribution & services):

Petrogal/ Galp … rtugal-pta

[link moderated]/


2.  Companies Directory Empresite: "Industria Quimica"
You can filter at the bottom of the page, by location & small/medium/big companies … A-QUIMICA/

B. Renewal Energies:

1. Empresite: "Energias Renováveis"
You can filter at the bottom of the page, by location & small/medium/big companies … ENOVAVEIS/

2. "Energias Renováveis" Website … ID_area=27

By clicking in the "energy type", you will find companies focused in that kind of energy:

- Biomassa
- Eólica
- Geotérmica
- Hídrica
- Oceanos
- Solar
- Hidrogénio
- Consultores e Serviços
- Energia

In some of these company links, you can choose option "Carreiras" and post there your CV.
In others you have a phone/email to contact them.
Some links are not updated. You have to copy the company name and search it at google.

Eg. Some of these companies:


C. Aqua and Hydroponics:



Hey Johnny,

Thanks for all the info. It helps a lot.

Enjoyed reading the information about Portugal on your profile. Thanks for sharing.

Kind regards,


The link moderated above is from a company called Leçafer, located at Leça da Palmeira.
It is not relevant,  anyway here it is.



I am relatively new to I am an Irish/EU citizen and moved to Portugal, 3 months or so ago. I have my residency and NIF number. I am residing in Lisbon and my work background is in the museum/heritage sector and I have experience with content editing/marketing, digital archives, research - working on outreach projects/using various social media platforms.

I am used to working remotely/online and also on-site. I have done and still do voluntary work in the museum/heritage sector. I worked with the Refood in Lisbon for about 2 months as a volunteer - on-site...helping with food distribution to people in need. I have also done paid work previously. Currently, I am looking for an ongoing paid role in either the museum/heritage sector or/and in the non-museum/heritage sector that can be either remotely or/and on-site.

I am very active with my job networking and applications. I recently had a job interview by phone and am awaiting the outcome. I thought I would also post a message here, in case anyone here has any advice to offer?

I have been attending expat social events in Lisbon - meeting people that way and making new friends (even though the events have been impacted by the Covid situation at the moment).  I have taken note of the above job links and I am using those.
Best regards,



Hi Michael,

Due to covid19, this is not a good time to look for a job in this professional area... I have remembered these possibilities. But after pandemic, who knows? ...

In some of these links, you can apply your CV directly :)

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

CCB - Centro Cultural de Belém

Parques de Sintra-Monte da Lua (PSML)

Direção-Geral do Património Cultural (DGPC) / The Portuguese Cultural Heritage is responsible for the management of cultural heritage in mainland Portugal. A large team, covering practically all technical and scientific fields and functionally structured in central services, based in Lisbon, and in Museums, Monuments and Palaces, located in different parts of the country, ensures a wide range of functions and provides a wide range of services. … -connosco/

Direção-Geral das Artes / Portuguese Arts & Culture Department

Turismo de Portugal … fault.aspx

Museu Berardo

Universidade Aberta



Hi Johnny,

I am also looking for employment in other professional areas. Not only the museums and heritage sector. I think that is what I was trying to say before. Although I have a work background in museums and heritage, my skills and knowledge are transferable to other sectors. I am constantly applying for positions/networking and have had one phone interview so far (about 2 weeks ago) for a Copywriter position - that is connected with real estate and investment. Unfortunately, that one fell through. They did not respond. Although I tried following it up with them. I have possibly a phone interview for another job next week, as they told me that they want to get in touch. So fingers crossed. If you hear of anything out there, do please let me know. Thank you.     



Hi Michael,
I don't know if you've seen this either...

Good luck  :top: