New to NZ

Hi, I am planning to move to Auckland in Dec this year. I would appreciate some info on renting a 2 br flat for myself and the family, idelaly in manukau area.Any suggestions? Also what is the job market for teachers like? I will have NZ registration. Please email me at  Thanks.

Hello citybank and welcome to! :)

I hope that other members will help you soon.

Harmonie. :)

Try the website Trademe for rental info and the Education Gazette for teacher listings. Dec will be a great time to move here. Best wishes

Not sure if you can register with Trade Me outside of NZ.  You can always browse some of the estate agents sites for a guestimate of rents in that area.

If you don't mind me asking, why Manukau?

citybank wrote:

Hi, I am planning to move to Auckland in Dec this year. I would appreciate some info on renting a 2 br flat for myself and the family, idelaly in manukau area.Any suggestions? Also what is the job market for teachers like? I will have NZ registration. Please email me at  Thanks.

How do you know you will have NZ registration?

You made me giggle there, Darla. It took me 7 months to finally get NZ teaching registration, citybank. I've talked with others that said 7 months was record timing. NZ is not hurting for teachers like the internet sites suggest. But quality teachers are desired anywhere, you'll just have to prove it. Likely your first position will be as a "relief teacher." In some cases this is like being a substitute. Coverage will be based on the need of the school which hires you...long term, short term, part time, whatever. Look at it like a trial period, even new teachers borne and bred in NZ often end up starting off as relievers. Good luck!

Accommodation and lodging facility is easily available.It can be available by looking for in that locality.Also you can search in the local listing of that area.


Although rental properties are freely available, finding a good one is of utmost importance...

Please bare in mind it is not at all rosy finding a place to live when: you have no references (credit or personal)

I found this extremely challenging when I arrived in NZ almost 6months ago. I personally know of someone who had the same challenges who arrived 3 months after I did, but I thought he would've had a better chance as he had Permanent Residency and I didn't 9work visa only). My only reference was that when we first arrived in NZ we lived in a hotel. If it wasn't for that, who knows.

I am in no way trying to scare you - just want to paint a true picture.

Hope this helps

Good Luck

SA Tiger

Thanks SA Tiger. We are now trying to decide between NZ and the UK as my OH has been given a settlement visa for the UK and since the kids are British we may just as well go there and now that house prices are plumetting we could get a good bargain and set up there. Cheers anyway.

In answering TeachNZ - I have had NZTC registration since 2008 and know I will still have it because I just renewed it last month for another 3 years !