
COVID 19 and expatriation in Ghana


Dear all,

COVID-19 necessarily impacts Ghana, between closed airports or confinement periods in certain cities, or even the whole country…

We would like to have your testimony during this special period, to know what are the consequences of this pandemic on your expatriation or expatriation project in Bulgaria.

Does the current crisis call into question your long-term expatriation plan?

If you already live in Ghana, do you plan to return to your country of origin?

How do you live this uncertain period, especially if you are far from your loved ones?

Did you unexpectedly end your expatriation in Ghana?

Paradoxically, did this crisis allow you to get closer to certain people?

What are your plans for the future?

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Hope you are well.

See also

Living in Ghana: the expat guideMoving to Ghana and building a container homeSchools in KoforiduaCameroonian looking to relocate to GhanaAnyone interested in stand up comedy and or Spoken Word poetry?

As I now consider Ghana 'home', this lockdown has not really affected my plans at all. I was in the UK just before the borders were closed and managed to get back. I have been at home since then in virtual quarantine and apart from missing meeting my students haven't found it particularly hard.
Not sure of the longterm effects on the country but expect conditions will not improve in the short term and many people will be considering their futures as expats