
COVID-19 and expatriation in Costa Rica

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Hello everybody,

The COVID-19 crisis inevitably impacts Costa Rica, between closed airports or periods of containment in some cities or even the entire country .
We would like to hear from you during this unusual period, to find out what the consequences of this pandemic are on your expatriation or expatriation project in Costa Rica.

Does the current crisis call into question your long-term expatriation project?
If you are already settled in Costa Rica, do you plan to return to your home country?

How are you living through such an uncertain period, especially if you are far from your loved ones?

Have any of you ended your expatriation in Costa Rica unexpectedly?

Paradoxically, has this crisis brought you closer to some people?

What are your plans for the future?

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Hope you are doing well.


See also

Relocating to Costa RicaVisiting CR at end of March 2925Private jet from IAD to SJO - Anyone interested?Influx of new expats ???Residency or Not?? Looking for testimonials, not opinions

A trying time to say the least. It is difficult to not be able to enjoy all the reasons we moved here-beaches, nightlife, walks and hiking, and the challenges of completing our home and dealing with the issues involved.

But, there are definitely positives. I’m stuck in paradise lol, and I am video chatting a lot more with everyone in the family. Those “family” down here are supportive and we are checking in on and caring for each other as best we can. In the area we are in the condominium owners are abusing this time to place ridiculous strain on us by saying we can’t walk, can’t come and go and have to stay in our home if the pool cleaners come (which they have been here once in two weeks so not a huge issue) but all this while the employees of the company congregate next door, and come and go as they please. That is par for the course for this place but it has really helped us understand how much we would never build or buy in a development where they can abuse power.

Luckily here in guanacaste there are only a couple cases and contained. Everyone is doing all they can to stay put, minimal trips to grocery and staying informed.  The town and beaches and businesses are eerily quiet but we are all in this together. In the end, it will be a blessing to all to be diligent.

On another note, we’ve spent a lot more time talking to each other, building bonds depending on one another and appreciating the freedom to come and go and visit to family and friends in home country.

I’ve read many books and excited about many more, not really into TV but watched “Wine Country” on Netflix  and enjoyed it as it reminded me of friends and our friend group. Re read the Bible and much more journaling. I started exercising thinking I’d get in better shape but not doing normal things I think it will just keep me level lol.

All in all there are always changes. Doesn’t feel different just because I’m living in another country just more wisdom for the rest of life’s experiences.


I am lucky to own a large property. While I have lots and a house for sale, as of yet no one has bought here so I have it all to myself! I can walk all around the property and out on the road too if I choose as there is very little traffic around here.

I feel very lucky to have this freedom to be outside in nature, as I know if I still lived in an apartment in the States, it would be horrible! I have plenty to do, taking care of my plants and trees and flowers, watering and fertilizing them regularly, and doing all the regular chores of life: dishes, cooking, laundry, cleaning and so on.

I talk to friends on whatsapp, write in forums on the net, and I have one friend who comes to visit a few times a week but we keep 6 feet apart and I know he is being very careful so I feel he will not bring me the virus.

I listen to more music, "surfing" Spotify, watch movies and comedy on Netflix and watch all sorts of interesting stuff on youtube.

It's not ideal when one has to be so careful and they've now made rules about when you can go to town based on your license plate # and there is a curfew time for driving as well.

But I think so far the guidelines they've given are very good to flatten the curve of the progression of the virus. At the same time I see quite a few people NOT "getting" or otherwise not following the concept of social distancing, so that concerns me and I fear the government may have to start fining people or at least monitoring them and telling them to keep the distance from each other. Not sure if the buses are being kept at lower capacity or not, so that people don't sit so close, but either way I am thankful I do not have to ride a bus nor go to work.

All in all, so far, for me, it's not too bad. The worst part is washing down everything after going to the store, washing the milk cartons, veges and etc, which makes shopping quite a chore.

But again, I am very lucky to live out of town, away from a lot of people where I can commune with nature in my own private "park"-like property.

Pretty much every state in the U.S. has it worse than we do here, and I am very glad to be here rather than there, so far; especially given how the U.S. is being incompetently run and many hundreds of thousands of people are probably going to die as a result.

I  know people who are leaving  the U.S. due to how bad it is getting there. Of course now it is hard to find a place to go to...

I HOPE we can maintain the current low virus profile, here in Costa Rica.


The COVID-19 crisis inevitably impacts Costa Rica, between closed airports or periods of containment in some cities or even the entire country .
We would like to hear from you during this unusual period, to find out what the consequences of this pandemic are on your expatriation project in Costa Rica.
Does the current crisis call into question your long-term expatriation project?
Has this crisis allowed you to get closer to certain people?
Finally, what are your plans for the future?

Oh yes! Covid19 did impact our expat project!

My friend Donna and I had a great 14 day trip planned to Costa Rica to do a self guided tour of the country to scope out locations where we would like to come to live next year!
Our trip was to start on 3/25 with a Costa Rica arrival set for 3/27. We found out the week before that the borders were closed to non-residents. We were So disappointed!
Then, was the continuing saga of trying to get refunds for flights and hotel/resort stays!! So far to date, we have recieved full refunds for all of our flights!! Unfortunately, it has been all the money we paid for hotel/resort stays, rental vehicle and "travel agency" fees in Costa Rica that we have had denied by the travel agency we used!  Shameful!
We did get travel insurance for the trip! However, we are still waiting to hear from them! We are apparently "in the queue"! I guess we'll see.

With luck, if we get our money back, we will reschedule our trip as soon as we can travel to Costa Rica!!

If anyone knows of a "trustworthy" travel agency in CR, please let us know.

All the best to everyone in CR! Stay safe!



I flew out of San Jose on March 12..for a two week Florida..visit friends..see my doctors for usual annual arrival was before boarders started closing. I'm Still here...waiting to get back to my home and cats..
I am staying at my ex husband house..where I always stay. Needless to say my ex is my ex for many reasons....!!!so I'm living mostly in my bedroom...
I had to cancel my flight to my home state Michigan .  I was supposed to visit my mother who is in hospice care...very hard on me..sad
I went for an endoscopy procedure on March 19.  The $50.00 prep...arrived at the facility..waited 2hours...started IV..anesthesiologist sees me.....they cancelled the procedure on the spot!!!
Talk about angry....after that prep and was because I had just came from Costa Rica....
I'm not doing so good some days...not real happy at all  being in Florida now brings back all my reasons why I left and moved to Costa Rica...ugh...
I'm hoping and praying I can get back on JetBlue may 18...I have a one way ticket back...

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