
Novel Corona Virus information- Sweden.

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Hello all expats in Sweden,

Please open the link below and read through the information from the emergency information authority of Sweden. … oronavirus

And please keep in mind that Novel corona disease has categorized as a notifiable disease, meaning, that is required by law to be reported to government authorities.

Don't worry about the possible money loss due to so called "karensdag" qualifying day of sickness because försäkringskassan has temporarily abolished karensdag rule due to corona virus. … har-galler

If you wonder anything don't hesitate to ask, no question is a bad question. Or if you have any further more information to add please go ahead and do so! 

Thank you!

See also

Health care in SwedenPreventive care in SwedenHelp me about find the right insurance policyHealth insurance to meet skattervarket requirementbatter treatment for my heart

You all probably know the updates: Basically the advice from the authorities is don't go anywhere, stay at home. 

According to the National Food Agency of Sweden there is no reason to be panic about any food shortage. Those photos/videos which are published in social media about empty shelves in food stores in Sweden, because of people buy more than usually to store and the deliveries from central warehouses have hard time to catch up with this intensive buying.
A tip is to order all your food through online, ICA, COOP, Willys etc. almost all of them offer online shopping.  Also a good way to avoid spreading of the virus.


Now it's conformed that No Gathering over 50 people

92 death cases and up to 3046 infected at the time of writing.

Below is the statistic from The Public Health Agency of Sweden (Unfortunately I could not find it in English) … 7f152f1392


The graphic chart I have published in post above updates automatically 2.00 pm everyday since the first day, with many detailed information.

Now 24 hours later, it's 102 death cases and 3447 infected meaning 10 more death cases and 401 more newly infected, a significant increase. Even though almost all of death cases are among senior citizens, infected people represent all age groups. 

Public Health Agency of Sweden provides you with information in many different languages how to avoid and what to do etc. here is the link … ika-sprak/


Now six days later: 282 death cases and 5466 cases of illness have been reported, that means: 190 more death cases and 2420 cases of illness during the past six days. As you can see in the chart Stockholm is the worst affected region.

If you like to keep yourself updated but these Swedish words in the chart bothers you, then this word list is for you.
starting from the left:
Sjukdomsfall= cases of illness
Kvinnor= women
Män= men
Intensivvårdade= in intensive care
Avlidna= deaths
Åldersgrupp= age group


Since someone tried to sell face masks here in the forum, I would like to highlight this part of frequently asked questions and answers from the Public Health Agency of Sweden … e-disease/ (I have actually posted this link already in the opening post in English and once again in 4th post in many other languages)

For information: It is so sad to say that even in a country like Sweden people try to get advantage of this situation. Although government clearly says there is no need of wearing face masks and urges not to buy face masks because health care personnel need them more, all the face masks are sold out! Because people are more into all the news and video clips from other parts of the world and don't pay attention to advice from their own authorities.

Some people purposely have bought face masks to sell them for high prices later like black market match tickets, many of them have sold and still selling around for very high prices. Some people have broken into hospital supply ware houses and have stolen face masks to sell in different online channels such as facebook.

There is no need to get panic so far in Sweden. Of course there will be financial consequences eventually in the whole world and Sweden will not be an exception. But as for now in the on going pandemic please hang in there only with the authorities! They have no intention to mislead their own inhabitants, why would they do such a thing?


At about 8-10 weeks of time period the outbreak have been spreading here in Sweden, approx 0.10% of the population are now infected and approx 0.01% of the population or less than 10% of those who were infected have passed away due to the virus, and almost all of them were senior citizens.

I don't know those are good or bad figurs but as you all have noticed, so far the life here in Sweden goes forward pretty harmless in relation to this pandemic.

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