
Working Holiday Visa

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I’m a Canadian citizen hoping to get the Working Holiday Visa.

I have a question about the health insurance part. Of course no one here is an expert, I would just like an opinion while I wait for a reply from Migri.

I already have a Swedish personal number from a previous stay in Sweden. So do I still need my own health insurance? (This is a requirement for the Working Holiday Visa).
From what I’ve read on forums, and taking with a friend who has a PN, they never expire. So as long as I have a PN, I have access to the healthcare, same as a Swedish citizen does. Am I correct?

Thank you

See also

Health care in SwedenPreventive care in SwedenHelp me about find the right insurance policyHealth insurance to meet skattervarket requirementbatter treatment for my heart

Hello kycbo,

There are several types of "personnummer". One category is for residence of the country and as to my knowledge at least there are two other categories for people who remain not be registered as residence of the country. Since you have been forced to apply for visa you seems to have one of latter mentioned PN. In that case you might not have access to the healthcare as residence PN holders. On the other hand since they have asked for an own insurance from you, they probably know it better but you still can ask it directly from them and get a clear answer. All the best!



Thank you for your reply.

My PN was given to me after registering my residence with Skatteverket. So I’m assuming this is the correct one to have access to the healthcare system. (Birthdate followed by 4 digit number).

I was able to sign up using this PN for a Swedish hockey league. So one can only assume if an official sports league asked and reviewed your PN and accepted it, it’s valid for health coverage.

Nonetheless, I will still see what Migri says!

Thank you


Hello again,

Any other authority than Skatteverket has the power to issue a PN. You can read the differences between two kinds of PN here … b4295.html

Swedish ice hockey association has it's own insurance to cover every officials and others (who are registered) in and around the sport while they work but not individual players. They are normally covered by their own team's collective insurance which is the minimum requirement. Then if you as a player wants to have an own insurance it's optional.

I guess that also is the system around the world otherwise things would have been hard for guest professional players.



It says here on my forum from Migri/Skatteverket after requesting information on me from the database.

Fod.tid/personnr: then my personal number.

So I'm assuming that its the personal number and not coordination number.

Also after reading about this coordination number, it seems that someone must apply on your behalf. As for the personal number YOU must apply. Which I did, I went to Skatteverket and got my number in the mail a week later.

So I have my fingers crossed I can use this number for health insurance coverage on my application


Certainly me too I hope so!

But I also be here a kind of spoilsport  :)

Föd.tid/person nr means either date of birth or PN, there is no designation for coordination nr because coordination nr is a certain typ of person nr.     

Secondly why they ask you to apply for holiday visa if you have a residence type PN?

I mean in that case they would have ask you to make a new registration or an application for "moving back" category, this one … weden.html

However for your sake I hope I am totally wrong!

kycbo please keep us updated on the progress this might be useful to many in the future. Thank you! and Good luck on this.


I’ve been out of Sweden for half a year or more.
So I’m applying for a Working Holiday Visa from Canada to re-enter to learn more Swedish, and get a job for a year.

I wasn’t asked to apply for this, I’m doing it myself.

I did receive a letter from Skatteverket saying they’ve decided to grant me the personnummer.

And regarding the Swedish hockey league..
I was asked by the Swedish Hockey Association, that in order for me to play I needed a Swedish PN.
I got that within 2 weeks, gave it to the Swedish Hockey Association, and was approved to play.

They needed this PN because all players must be insured in the league in order to play


Ok so you had residence visa in Sweden and now want to come back end stay for an year, instead of apply for residence visa again you chose to apply for working holiday visa, why? You don't even need to think about anything like insurance etc. if you apply for residence visa again.


I had a Aupair residence permit. Valid for 1 year or you can renew as soon as your 1 year is over.
I decided to leave Sweden. But now will return.
However I can’t apply for a normal work permi, so instead since I’m from Canada I can apply for a Working holiday permit.
You need valid health insurance in Sweden for this though.

I just hope I can use the PN I had when I was in Sweden before, this Time around.


Also on here I enter my PN and it says valid. As well as many other sites like this.

If I search my name, my Swedish address shows up


I knew a person who was married to a Swed, had residence permit, personnummer, a job the whole package. However something happened in their marriage and they start to fight and got divorced. So this person had to register at the "kommun" for address since he/she had no where to live(that is the last option a person has). But had visa until certain period due to (previous) marriage and tried to renew, couldn't and finally had to leave the country. That person after so many years still remains in the registration with person nr since he/she personally never asked Skatteverket to deregister from the country.

However please tell us about your case when it is done! All the best!

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