United States Citizenship in Jeopardy?


I'm an natural born United States citizen. Coming up in May, I will have been in the Philippines for one full year on tourist visa extensions. As I understand it, the Philippines government allows a maximum stay of three continuous years on a tourist visa. I've heard stories, so I'm a little concerned about losing my US citizenship by staying too long out of country. I'm hoping there are some fellow US citizens on this forum who can offer some good advice about this, based on their own experience.

If there's no risk to my US citizenship, is there any extra paperwork that will need to be submitted and approved, or fees that I will need to pay when I finally do return to the US after 1 to 3 years?


Stop worrying. Your citizenship cannot be taken away unless you willingly give it up or fraudulently obtained it.

I been out of country 18 years and still can't get rid of US citizenship

Only green cardholders get the shove if stayed away 1 year without an extension (12 months). You have to be abroad and working for a US company to get the extension, before you depart the USA