French expats

Would love to meet French expats in Haarlem for outings , pique -niques , i' m married  to a dutch man have  one son aged 8 and a daughter.:) Suis francaise et parle le francais , l'anglais et le neerlandais ;)

Welcome to Glycine !

Hy Glycine,

I'm like you, looking for new friends in a new country. I'm since 3 mounths in Haarlem - Hoofddorp.

I'm married to an other belg and we have a lithe girl  aged 5 mounth.

I would love to meet French, English or Belgium expats in Haarlem. Expextualy overday, in the week.

I speak French, Dutch and a basic English.


Hello Glycine,

I'm Esther Pordon and I work for Libelle Magazine. The largest women's magazine in the Netherlands.
For an article I'm looking for French women who moved to Holland and want to tell their story. There will be a professional photo shoot too.

Would you be interested in this? The article will be about your life in France and your life here, cultural differences etc.

You can e-mail me on

I hope to hear from you!


Esther Pordon
Human Interest editor Libelle