Foreigner getting married in Algeria

Asslamu alaykum.

I'm new here😁

Can someone please provide further info on the process of getting married in Algeria as a foreign Muslim female. Is it true that the easiest way is to get married ouside Algeria and then providing proof to Algerian authorities.? I'm from South Africa and doing some research on the most hassle and headache free way. Anyone with info please?

Welcome on our forum,

Don't you think it will be easier to ask that directly at the Algerian Embassy in South-Africa ? ... … gistration

If I had been adequately assisted then I would not be asking on this forum. An Algerian citerzen would be more helpful. Thanks👍


of course someone who has gone through this situation is certainly more able to respond.  But who tells you that he is interested or that he wants to?  A forum is based on the goodwill of everyone.  This is why there are also people like me who offer basic tracks.  You also start from a slightly xenophobic postulate by assuming that only an Algerian is likely to help you.  Because two foreigners can also decide to get married in Algeria.  In conclusion, have you at least thought about looking in the old discussions archived on our site?  Because there is statistically more than 90% chance that this style of question has already been asked ... Use our search tool materialized by the magnifying glass located next to your avatar.
