
Just for fun: How well do you know England?

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Hello everyone,

We would like to invite you to take part in a knowledge test based on England. Find a few questions below:

1. What is the capital city or administrative capital of England?
2. What currency is used in England?
3. List the national symbols of England.
4. What are the official languages or the ones used the most on a day-to-day basis?
5. Share with us the national motto.
6. Define England in one word.

Thank you for participating and have fun :)

See also

Living in England: the expat guideMoving Back to the UK from the USWhat is it like living in NorfolkVisa rules and regulationsHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in England

Diksha wrote:

Hello everyone,

We would like to invite you to take part in a knowledge test based on England. Find a few questions below:

1. What is the capital city or administrative capital of England?
2. What currency is used in England?
3. List the national symbols of England.
4. What are the official languages or the ones used the most on a day-to-day basis?
5. Share with us the national motto.
6. Define England in one word.

Thank you for participating and have fun :)

1) London
2) Pound Stirling
3) The three national symbols of England are the St. George's cross (usually seen as a flag), the red rose and the Three Lions crest (usually seen as a badge). The red rose is widely recognised as the national flower of England.

4) English
5) Sovereign's motto: Dieu et mon droit (French: God and my right)
6) Dirty


My answers are the same as Simon's except the last one.  My one-word definition of England: stuffy.


1. London
2. Pound Sterling and pence or GBP
3. Same as above...
4. English
5. Dieu et mon droit
6. Boring


1. What is the capital city or administrative capital of England?
London, wild guess

2. What currency is used in England?
benefit money

3. List the national symbols of England.
Three lions for the footie and the st george cross

4. What are the official languages or the ones used the most on a day-to-day basis?
english, welsh, and chav speak

5. Share with us the national motto.
Get Brexit Done

6. Define England in one word.


SimCityAT wrote:

The red rose is widely recognised as the national flower of England.

Not in ruddy Yorkshire, it's not.

That filthy, disgusting Lancastrian red rose of the usurping Tudor, false king Henry VIII, regicide and pervertor of the reputation of the righteous Plantagenet king, Richard III of York, is nothing to do with England, just a pretender's symbol.
Even he knew his claim to the throne was nothing so he made a marriage of convenience with Elizabeth of York in order to legitimise his usurping of the crown, then changed his nasty little red rose to a Tudor rose, red upon white, in order to appear something he was not.

Anyway, Simon, dear chap, the Tudor rose, the new symbol of the most corrupt dynasty in English royalty (and they had some stiff competition), is a notable symbol of England, not the red, manure grown one you mentioned.


1. What is the capital city or administrative capital of England?


2. What currency is used in England?

Heroin / Pound Sterling (A quid)

3. List the national symbols of England.

A needle and vein, and knives used to steal the heroin and cash

4. What are the official languages or the ones used the most on a day-to-day basis?

Yorkshire (and a few others used by unfriendly people)

5. Share with us the national motto.

Brexit now!

6. Define England in one word.


Articles to help you in your expat project in England

All of England's guide articles