Just for fun: How well do you know Belgium?

Hello everyone,

We would like to invite you to take part in a knowledge test based on Belgium. Find a few questions below:

1. What is the capital city or administrative capital of Belgium?
2. What currency is used in Belgium?
3. List the national symbols of Belgium.
4. What are the official languages or the ones used the most on a day-to-day basis?
5. Share with us the national motto.
6. Define Belgium in one word.

Thank you for participating and have fun :)

:( You are not nice. Because you exclude me from office because I know all the answers ...  ;)

Hello phipiemar,

Not at all  :P

Just to make sure that you know all the answers...you should post them  ;)

Team Expat.com

Hello Diksha,

:lol::lol::lol:  So let's roll:

1. What is the capital city or administrative capital of Belgium?
Brussels. But in my heart it's Liège...

2. What currency is used in Belgium?

3. List the national symbols of Belgium.
Flemish Community: it's a black lion on a yellow flag
Walloon community: it's a red rooster on a yellow flag
German-speaking Community: a red lion on a white background, accompanied by nine blue leaves with five leaves
But the best one is The Perron de Liège is a perron-fountain

4. What are the official languages or the ones used the most on a day-to-day basis?
Flemish - French - German

5. Share with us the national motto.
Unity is strength

6. Define Belgium in one word.