Writing a will


Does anyone know where I can find a template for a will? My partner and I are not married so I understand if one of us were to die the other would not automatically inherit their half of our Bulgarian house unless a will is in place. We've been advised we can write it in English and then translate to Bulgarian as must be Bulgarian to be legal but I can't seem to find a template.


https://www.angloinfo.com/how-to/bulgar … ills/wills

I have seen other sources with the same info.

You can write a will in English, but it has to be ENTIRELY hand-written.

Also, if you have children, etc., your partner cannot get all of it, will or no will.

And no, you don't have to store your handwritten will with a notary, although it is convenient and safer to do so. Let your executor know which notary keeps your will.

Thank you, much appreciated. Yeah I had read that about children, we don't have them but I think it also applies to parents. But I guess writing one is still better than not. We are in our 30s so hopefully won't be needed for a long time but still thought it might be sensible just in case. Think we'll do the handwritten option. Thanks again