Prime de fin annee ( 13th Month)

I would like to ask about my 13th month. I work from end of May till December 2018.My contract is 30 hours per week ( €1300/month).I recieved my 13th month €272 is that enough?Iam married and I have a child.If anyone can help to understand the calculation thank you in advance.Merci

The end-of-year bonus is calculated on the basis of the monthly gross salary for the month of December.

But, beware, the latter is more heavily taxed than the normal monthly salary. You will therefore receive less than your usual net income.

Note: The net amounts are calculated on the basis of presuppositions concerning annual taxable income and family status. In some cases, a special contribution for social security is retained. The annual taxable income may depend on a bonus to employment. The exact amount of your premium may vary depending on your individual situation. The result of the calculation is therefore given for information only and does not replace legal advice.

This calculation applies only to full-time employees during a full year of work.

Holidays, the first 60 days of sick leave, maternity leave and public holidays are considered working days.

Seniority and part-time work
To receive an end-of-year bonus, you must have at least 6 months of seniority on the CP 200. You will not receive any bonus if you only have 5 months of service. Do you have 7 months of seniority? The calculation will then be based on 7 / 12ths of your gross salary in December.

Numerical examples
Monthly gross salary: 2500 euros.
December gross salary: 2500 euros
Net end-of-year premium: 1,144 euros (for a single person without dependents)
The special social security contribution of € 22 has been deducted from this amount.
End-of-year bonus after parental leave or time credit
In the CP 200, neither parental leave nor time credit is considered as a full day's work.

Example: an employee who works full time in the CP 200 for a gross monthly salary of 2,500 euros.
She will keep her benefits during the 3 months of maternity leave but if she takes another 3 months of parental leave, she will no longer benefit from them.
His end-of-year bonus will be reduced by the same amount, based on a gross salary of 1,875 euros (2,500 x 9/12).
His net end-of-year bonus will be € 873 for a single person with a dependent child.
Dependent children
If you have dependent children, your net end-of-year premium may be slightly higher (but only in some cases, especially for lower wages).

With a gross salary identical to your colleague, your premium may be slightly lower or higher than the latter, depending on your specific situation.