Marriage in Turkey Living in UK

Hello I have a boyfriend, Hungarian, and he lives in UK since 5 years. I am Turkish and because he is studying in UK we have to live there at least till he finishes his school. I am in my senior year for my masters in Poland. I am studying my masters in English. We are planning to marry this summer, when I graduated. After marriage, we will give the documents to Hungary so EU will know our marriage. Then how will I live in UK with him? I read about Family EEA Visa. But when will the life will be easier? What kind of steps will I face with in my life? I would like to listen your stories. Before, during, after marriage...

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

Your boyfriend is an EU citizen and currently has the right to live and work anywhere in the EU.  If your boyfriend intends to stay in the UK after he has finished his education, then he needs to go through a process that will enable that; this link will take you to the UK Gov website where he can begin; it's very important that he does this.

You as a Turkish citizen do not have the same rights as your boyfriend and will need to apply for a family visa of some kind; the current details on the UK Gov website may well change post-Brexit (i.e. the EEA visa will no longer exist as the UK will no longer be a member of EEA), so I'm hesitant to try and be more forthcoming; that said, I'm certain that something will be done for this category, so don't worry.

One other option is that your Masters qualification may well qualify you for a Skilled Migrant work visa in your own right; read the sticky post "NON EU CITIZENS APPLYING FOR A UK WORK VISA" at the top of this Forum page for more details.

Keep your eye on the Press for what happens regarding Brexit and once something is signed, please come back to us if you have any further specific questions.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team