Divorce in England

Hi all,

I got married in Tunisia over 10 years ago when I was living there and moved back to the UK around 6 years ago. My wife is still living in Tunisia and we've been living apart during that time. We've decided to proceed with a divorce and wanted to know if anyone has gone through the process of getting a divorce in the UK and how it then transfers back to Tunisia? Would I need to go through two separate divorce processes? Does my wife need to file for the divorce in Tunisia or does it become valid once we get divorced in the UK?

i appreciate any help you can offer!

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

In general, you get divorced in the country where you are deemed as being resident, so in your case, you live in the UK, so are resident here.

I advise you to see a divorce lawyer so he/she can explain the process to you, and then you can proceed.

One other point.  If your Tunisian marriage was a Sharia ceremony only, then your marriage may not be recognised in the UK.  It is worthwhile asking your lawyer.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team


I wish you get a good lawyer and i also had a same thought for a divorce process, still read and googling.