Cottage Schools in Portugal

Hi there.

I am currently running a cottage school (assisting homeschooler children) in SA. Due to the overall deterioration of this loved country I am considering emigrating to Portugal.

Are cottage schools legal in Portugal? And if I decided to homeschool my son, and it is legal, then would I be able to continue with our current system which is UK based and geared towards IGCSE?

Hoping for some guidance, please.

Hi Vanessa. I am also considering expanding my business to Portugal. I have an almost 5 year old daughter. Please keep me in the loop with your plan, if you don't mind.

Best regards

Absolutely, will do. My son is going on 5 so we are on the same wavelength.

VanPlatt84 wrote:

Hi there.

I am currently running a cottage school (assisting homeschooler children) in SA. Due to the overall deterioration of this loved country I am considering emigrating to Portugal.

Are cottage schools legal in Portugal? And if I decided to homeschool my son, and it is legal, then would I be able to continue with our current system which is UK based and geared towards IGCSE?

Hoping for some guidance, please.

Not familiar to that expression "cottage schools" meaning and implications.
In Portugal formal education system have diferent modalities
vast majority is regular school.

Due to the size of the country, except some special situations as those of migrants ( the circus comunity always on the move ) it is very residual to have kids homeschooled.
Lately due to the bulliyng, crowded schools etc , some movement have appeared that have forced the Education system to react.
Reach for inputs :
a )

There is a formal currícula to be followed, and an equivalence from what your are following with Portuguese system looks a possible hurdle [ not to mention the test ).

Good research.