23 August 2018 - Today, the UK Government issued a series 24 Guidance Documents  (Technical Notices) providing Government advice on the above; these documents can be accessed from the following link.  According to the link, "this series of technical notices set out information to allow businesses and citizens to understand what they would need to do in a ‘no deal' scenario, so they can make informed plans and preparations".

13 September 2018 - Today, added a further 28 technical notices addressing further areas of concern.

24 September 2018 - Today, added a further 24 technical notices addressing further areas of concern.

12 October 2018 - Today, added a further 29 technical notices addressing further areas of concern.

The current batch of documents relates to subjects in the following areas:


    Applying for EU-funded programmes
    Driving and transport
    Farming and fishing
    Handling civil legal cases
    Importing and exporting
    Labelling products and making them safe
    Meeting business regulations
    Money and tax
    Personal data and consumer rights
    Protecting the environment
    Regulating energy
    Regulating medicines and medical equipment
    Regulating veterinary medicines
    Satellites and space
    State aid
    Studying in the UK or the EU
    Travelling between the UK and the EU
    Workplace rights

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

Brexit was always likely to be a mess for a whole bunch of reasons, but this shows the total lack of real information anyone has about anything.
Many in the EU are out to punish Britain, presumably to put other members off the idea of leaving, and political will in the UK is a joke.

It's been a mess since day 1; in fact, you can probably trace it back to the date that the Conservative party made an election pledge to hold the referendum should they form the next Government, which they did.  It is constantly in the UK press and media; surprisingly, I found out that when I logged onto the BBC News website from overseas, I got an entirely different version of what was available to UK residents.

There is one source of opinion radio (as opposed to news radio) that is available to overseas residents, this being LBC radio, that broadcasts worldwide via the internet; this link will take you there.  Depending on your stance, it can be frustrating, but over the whole day, you will get to hear both for and against uncensored opinion on topical subjects that is "Leading Britains Conversation"; you can even take part in the discussions, in fact, expats calling from overseas tend to get priority on programmes dealing with Brexit.

Cynic wrote:

It's been a mess since day 1; in fact, you can probably trace it back to the date that the Conservative party made an election pledge to hold the referendum should they form the next Government, which they did.

Before that - There was a lot of disquiet for many years, pretty much since the UK became part of the EU without a vote, that being the move from the old EEC.
Politicians of that time were found out as liars (no shock news there considering they're politicians), and the papers (and The Sun - more a comic) stirred up as much trouble as they could.

We are still none the wiser and I doubt we will be till the 11th hour. The media are spinning that we will not be able to have bank accounts in the UK if we live outside the UK. That meaning retirees will not be able to have their pensions paid as you can not them paid into a none UK bank account.

But with 7 months till deadline the clock is ticking.

SimCityAT wrote:

We are still none the wiser and I doubt we will be till the 11th hour. The media are spinning that we will not be able to have bank accounts in the UK if we live outside the UK. That meaning retirees will not be able to have their pensions paid as you can not them paid into a none UK bank account.

That's very probably the result of a large number of male cows that had a very big breakfast some hours ago and wishing to relieve themselves at the same time.
Every UK expat I've met in Asia keeps a UK bank account with no problem, so it's unlikely the banks will stop UK citizens in EU countries using theirs.
If some EU politicians get really mean, they (perhaps) could suspend or end the use of ATM and credit cards with normally accepted international logos if the card was issued in the UK, but the minefield that would lead them into is nasty at best, and would require some serious messing about anyway.

Project fear is being run by both sides of the argument.

I'm in receipt of a UK Government pension and received a letter a few months ago advising me that I could have the pension paid into an overseas bank, but it would still be assessed for tax at source in the UK.

Cynic wrote:

I'm in receipt of a UK Government pension and received a letter a few months ago advising me that I could have the pension paid into an overseas bank, but it would still be assessed for tax at source in the UK.

Interesting as UK Teachers pensions can't?

Dunno - can't see why there would be different rules; I recall back in 94 when I first received my Forces pension that it had to be paid into a UK bank, but it definitely changed later on - I wonder what the rules are for State retirement pension.

Well non of the politicians is to be trusted

pf19619621962 wrote:

Well non of the politicians is to be trusted

I disagree - most can be trusted to cause a load of problems, look after number one, and line their pockets as much as possible, all regardless of the political ideal they claim to support.

A further batch of documents was released today; I've updated the list in the OP.

Expat Team

The next batch will be released at end of the month.

A further 24 documents were issued today; I've updated the link above.

A further 29 documents were issued today; I've again updated the link above.

The latest from the UK government for EU citizens

Apply to the EU Settlement Scheme (settled and pre-settled status)

Fred wrote:

The latest from the UK government for EU citizens

Apply to the EU Settlement Scheme (settled and pre-settled status)

Fred wrote:

The latest from the UK government for EU citizens

Apply to the EU Settlement Scheme (settled and pre-settled status)

It's a very simple process; it took my wife 20 minutes online to register and she received her permanent residence status document (a letter with her settled status reference number) 2 days later.