
Vegetarian and Vegan food options in Copenhagen

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I am going to list a few vegetarian and vegan spots throughout Copenhagen and if anyone else has some other great vegetarian and vegan food options in Copenhagen, please share.

Gemyse - Vegetarian
location: Tivoli
Gemyse Yelp reviews and pictures

Ramen to Bíiru - Vegetarian ramen on menu
location: Nørrebro
Ramen to Bíiru Yelp reviews and pictures

Souls - Vegetarian with burgers and brunch
location: Østerbro
Souls Yelp reviews and pictures

The Organic Boho -Vegan with falafel and amazing looking smoothies and drinks
location: København K
The Organic Boho Yelp reviews and pictures

Døp  - Vegan Hot Dog on menu
location: København K
Døp Yelp reviews and pictures

Green Burger - Vegan/ vegetarian plant based burger's
location: København K
Green Burger Yelp reviews and pictures

Halifax - Vegan burger on menu
location: København K
Halifax Yelp reviews and pictures

I hope this list was helpful to all the vegetarians and vegans in Copenhagen on here

See also

Living in Copenhagen: the expat guideNeed advice on Aupair applicationIndians in DenmarkMoving to Copenhagen, International schoolsFree education on spouse visa

Wanted to add my new favorite Vegan/vegetarian spot to eat

Veggie Hero's - Chinese buffet ALL Vegan plus a menu with more vegan options
location: Østerbro
Veggie Heros Yelp reviews and pictures


Got another new favorite Vegan spot here in Copenhagen to add to the growing list

Matcha Bar - Vegan Green Tea infused drinks, pastries and cakes
location: Vesterbro
Matcha Bar Yelp reviews and pictures

For those that aren't aware of what Matcha is, it is green tea and is extremely good for your health.


Govinda Vegetar Takeaway

Govinda is vegetarian take-away in Copenhagen.
vegetable dishes, rice, soups, sweets and snacks
Indian cuisine

Opening hours:

Monday - Friday: 16:00 - 20:30
Govinda, Åboulevard 7, st th, 1635 Kbh V.
Tel .: 32140362


Nice Cream, Plante Pølsen, Plant Power Food, Raw 42, Veji, Kaf,

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