
Real estate lawyer needed

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I am purchasing a home in Puerto Viejo de Talamanca and would like recommendations on an english speaking lawyer.  Can be located in San Jose if they will handle the closing.

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Real estate listingsBuying a property in Costa RicaAccommodation in Costa RicaBuying Property In Costa RicaAccommodation in San Jose

Hi I
have what I feel the BESt who has handled many of my RE transactions..He is in Barva de Heredia  !6 minutes from center of Heredia town.....Honest and Reliable I have  known him 15 years...PM me for details IF you receive this message,...been some strange lost messages etc. Lately.


pebs wrote:

Hi I
have what I feel the BESt who has handled many of my RE transactions..He is in Barva de Heredia  !6 minutes from center of Heredia town.....Honest and Reliable I have  known him 15 years...PM me for details IF you receive this message,...been some strange lost messages etc. Lately.

Hey Pebs,

Does this lawyer speak English? 

I know one but he's in San Ramon and that would in no way be convenient for her when purchasing in Talamanca.

- Expat Dave


I know a good one in San Ramon too but no English. Generally speaking you should use an attorney in the area you're buying imho. I think sometimes they have connections locally that can help you get something done if you need it.
And various municipalities have different laws/rules. For example San Jose's restrictions on building won't be the same as San Ramon's.


Sorry for delay I've  been busy..
YES my lawyer of 16 years Speaks FLUENT ENGLISH .His Office is close by to Heredia and is just 20 minutes from my Farm Oe better if you can email me because not often time for this site these days... FOR  his EMAIL OR PJHONE I WOULL IF TIME ALOWS SRIVE YOU FROM HEREDIA OR SAN RAFEL F=DE HEREDIA OR YOU CAN FOLLOW ME..IF TIME ALLOWS ...I do not work on commissions in anyway if I recommend it is from my heart after 27 years of knowing MANY  CROOKED LAWYERS...
Isaac is the BEST after being conned over the years by MANY....and NO GRINGO PRICES !
Hope my email is allowed to HELP fellow ex pats here


Moderated by Chris 7 years ago
Reason : Please avoid sharing your contact details on the forum.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

I guess I will stop trying to help people with good things  by offering to show them where my good lawer is,,,I make NO money for my help just to tell the admins,
I thought we were here to HELP eaxh other.
.BUt I hope I am allowed to warn people from a very crooked car dealer called "Chitos Autos n Belin .They really scammed me and I just found out two other  people I know ..they should be called Cheaters so be very careful  would stay away from that type of crooked deals..


pebs wrote:

I guess I will stop trying to help people with good things  by offering to show them where my good lawer is,,,I make NO money for my help just to tell the admins,
I thought we were here to HELP eaxh other.
.BUt I hope I am allowed to warn people from a very crooked car dealer called "Chitos Autos n Belin .They really scammed me and I just found out two other  people I know ..they should be called Cheaters so be very careful  would stay away from that type of crooked deals..

If I'm not mistaken all you have to do is say "send me a PM" and then give the person your contact details in the PM vs putting it here on the forum for all to see.

Ashley Gee

Hi ! this is post is from a long time ago but wondering if this person is still working as a lawyer?


deleted by author


Ashley Gee wrote:

Hi ! this is post is from a long time ago but wondering if this person is still working as a lawyer?

Sent you a pm.


Anyone with Attorney recommendations for the Pavones coastal area? Looking to close a real estate purchase as well as create a Corporation for the transaction?

Thanks in advance.


Surfdog..........Check out "Outliers",they are not cheap but have a good track record that is verifiable.My impression of 'Pavones',that it is very affordable.......for a good reason.You are smart,by knowing what an imperative it is to have your own legal consul.Pavones...what a history of people getting screwed over !


Edwinemora, yeah the Danny Fowler story is still in play. But hopefully a clean title means a clean title down there.


Mr. Adrian Fernandez has been a great lawyer for us. From residency to real estate to car buying. He is in the central valley. Highly recommend.


@ glbasila :

I invite you to recommend this lawyer in the Costa Rica Business directory : Lawyers in Costa Rica.

Thank you,

Priscilla Team  :cheers:

Robin Lazar

@pebs A real estate lawyer is crucial for anyone looking to buy or sell property, as they can ensure legal compliance and protect their clients' interests in any transaction.

Robin Lazar

I know a best [link moderated] service who provide a professional lawyers.


@cherylcov I would look at Forza legal. They are in nosara guanacaste and San Jose. We went through 3 lawyers until we found one that actually communicates, does the work and doesn’t just take the money and go dark.

good luck!

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