Do and don't in the Ivory Coast
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Are you living in the Ivory Coast? We need you to share your experience of the local customs
Is it difficult to adjust to the local customs in the Ivory Coast?
Could you please share with us a list of the do's and don't's in the Ivory Coast?

Mon mari à une opportunité à Abidjan et sommes en pré-visite fin février pendant une semaine pour une installation au mois de mai.
Pouvez-vous me donner des infos globales sur le pays / les choses à savoir / la stabilité politique / la sécurité / l'accès aux soins ...etc ?
Merci d'avance.
im treying to look for a job in ivory coast but i dont speak french .... do u think it's possible ??
which area are you looking for a job?
J'ai une offre potentielle pour Abidjan (en télécoms) mais je veux savoir si c'est sécuritaire pour mois et ma famille (femme + 2 filles 3-5 ans). J'habite à Montréal, Canada maintenant.
Pouvez-vous me donner des infos SVP? Est-ce que c'est securitaire que ma femme va seule au cinema ou pour faire les courses? Est-ce que c'est securitaire a l'exterieur d'Abidjan?
I have a potential offer for Abidjan (in telecom) and I'd like to know if is a secure place for me and my family (wife + 2 daughters 3-5 y.o.). I live in Montreal, Canada now.
Can you help pls with some info? Can my wife go to cinema or shopping alone safely? How secure is outside Abidjan, on countryside?
Il est indéniable que la sécurité reste une préoccupation dans les grandes capitales africaines, mais Abidjan est très loin derrière Johannesbourg ou Freetown....
Pour le cinéma et les courses de votre épouse je ne vois aucun risque majeur. J'ajoute toutefois qu'il serait préférable qu'elle soit attentive à ses alentours.
Salut Leyla
je suis en cote d'ivoire
Hello I live In cote d'ivoire and I will try my best to answer to all the questions concerning my country
Bonjour Je suis ivoirien et je vis en cote d'ivoire.J'essaierai de repondre a toutes les questions que vous vous posez sur mon beau pays.
hi Maxx
probably u can help a lot by giving a detailed answer to this old question by smallearth. thanks in advance.
Hi everybody,
It would be very useful to talk about the cost of living in the Ivory Coast.
Don't forget to mention where in the Ivory Coast you are living.
How much does it cost to live in the Ivory Coast?
> accommodation prices
> public transportation fares (tube, bus etc ...)
> food prices(per month, how much does it cost you?)
> health prices (for those who need medical insurance)
> eduction prices (if you need to pay)
> energy prices (oil, electricity)
> common bills (Internet, television, telephone, mobile phone)
> prices of a good menu in a traditional restaurant
> prices of a beer and or a coffee in a regular pub
> price of the cinema
Do not hesitate to add items to this list!
Thanks in advance for your participation!
I am planning to move to Ivory coast, also doing research on starting business over there,
chain shop for brand products
as you guys seems very helpful and I am trying to achieve some targets! let's explore what we can achieve together?
could you please start a new discussion ? Thanks
Can anyone plz tell me abt Iivory Coast..?
In tearms of living , expences etc.
How safe it is for Indians?
Is there any risk while living der ??
Hi! You are off topic. Again please start a new discussion on the Ivory Coast forum.
Thank you
infos globales sur le pays
- Pays en perdition. En attente d'un miracle ou d'une nouvelle guerre civile.
- Délestages en électricité. Gros cafouillage dans la gestion de l'énergie + problème de distribution d'eau potable en perspective.
- Infrastructures à l'abandon.
- Chômage très important et pauvreté conséquente.
- Niveau de vie à trois vitesses. Prix très élevés à Abidjan (loyer, alimentation...)
les choses à savoir
- Faire les vaccinations contre les maladies tropicales.
- Si séjour longue durée (> 6 mois): laisser tomber la prévention antipaludique. Palu rarement méchant dans les grandes villes. On se soigne quand ça tombe.
- Oublier les préjugés raciaux (remarque à double sens) en sortant de l'avion.
la stabilité politique
- Pouvoir fort mais totalitaire.
- Anarchie (pas d'état de droit, loi du plus riche).
- Pas de perspective d'amélioration avant élections et élections sans cesse reportées (on les attends depuis 6 ans)...
- Non éducation des populations, développement chaotique, politique globale de la terre brûlée.
la sécurité
Abidjan n'est pas pire que Paris en terme de statistiques mais en cas de problème, c'est souvent plus radical et définitif.
Petit bonheur la chance...
l'accès aux soins
- Généralement correct dans les établissements privés, en nombre acceptable à Abidjan (une couverture privée est malgré tout souhaitée).
- Mouroir dans les établissements publics : surcharge, faux diagnostics, mauvais traitements. A éviter à tout prix.
- Niveau pharmaceutique acceptable à Abidjan. Accès aux médicaments conventionnels sans problème.
- Conseil : savoir alterner médecine blanche et indigèna (médecine traditionnelle).
grom wrote:@:
infos globales sur le pays
Bonjour grom,
Merci de bien vouloir poster votre message dans une nouvelle discussion sur le forum francophone Côte d'Ivoire et de bien vouloir supprimer celui-ci en cliquant sur le lien "Supprimer" en bas à droite de votre message.
Merci et bon surf sur
hello everybody,
I an Anuj from Delhi(INDIA).I have got a job offer from a company and my location is somewhere in Ivory month i have to move there but i don't know anything about this country.can somebody tell me about the climatic condition,standard of living,popular food,currency,minimum salary required to manage a good standard of living for a bachelor (accommodation provided by the company).Since i am from India so i also want to know that are there Indian people and society??
thank you
Anuj Kumar
anuj26386, could you please start a new discussion ? You are off topic. Thanks
i see lots of messages/queries about moving to ivory coast and safety issues, concerns around living there...but i do not see responses to it.. i wonder is there any expat community at all..are there people who have made the choice of relocating to ivory coast, and have found ways of enjoying life there despite political unrest and cultural differences..if any one could respond to all this, it will help many of us. it will help me.thank you:)
Hi everyone who has a question about Ivory Coast, hope you guys are doing great.
Living in the Ivory Coast is okay compared with its neighbor countries. in fact, the standard of living there now is decreasing which means for the expat that you will be cheap compared to your original currency.
It's fairly safe and you can go to the movie or any other shops safely, just avoid the public market in your first months even if most of the very cheap stuff can be found there.
There are hospitals and the cost to access to those are once again fair depending on the gravity of your illness, but i won't worry about that because most companies offered health insurance. but you will need to get vaccinated against all the tropical illness if you are not used to the same weather.
The weather over there is tropical which means that it's almost hot all year long except June through beginning of August.
There are a variety of public transportation like taxi cab and common transportation of all sort, but please don't think about horses or anything like that.
I personally found it complicated to drive around because of the way please drive, i will tell you the truth, most people drive like crazy.
The political atmosphere is kind of ... i don't really know what to tell you about that because we never know until they get a fair election, the tension will be the same which means that no one really knows. But once you get there, please go register yourself and your whole household to your embassy just in case. again i don't want to threatening you, but it's the right thing to do to be completely safe against any thing that might happen.
The standard of living is fair compared to most countries around in a sense that it's just a personal choice to where you want to live and the condition of you living.
The eating part is my favorite because there are a multitude of restaurants there and they are cheap compared to where you are coming from, it's pretentious for me to say that but i will bet you everything you want that it's cheaper to eat in the Ivory Coast than in your country. Also there are a big expat community living there from almost all part of the world, you just need to find your people and get around with them if you want.
The Ivorians have no racial discrimination, to them it doesn't matter where you come from, if you just show them that you at least trying to be part of them, they will take you, and you don't even need to change yourself or anything like this. They fairly like foreigners in fact, the country is 35% full with people from around the globe.
If you are from India or China, or any populated country, you will feel just like home, now if you are from a less populated country, you are just going to adapt to seeing a lot of people around you.
Don't go there with any kind of assumptions, i recommend that you learn by being there.
Hope i answered most of your questions and remember it's okay if after a while you miss home.
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