
$88000dkk/month enough to live in hillerod??

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I'm considering an offer to move to Denmark from US with 88000dkk/month. I am wondering if that's enough for living because I'm seeing housing in hillerod is ridiculously expensive. Also income tax is a lot.

Also, I need to set aside 30,000 dkk/month for my mortgage in US.

Please let me know if 88,000-tax-30000 be any good? If so, any good affordable suburb near hillerod (no car)?


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Nellie Berg

Many, many people in Denmark can only dream of such a pay. I too  ;)

If we take that the yearly income is 1,056.000 DKK, the tax in 2017 will amount to 495,000 DKK.
This calculation is based on the information that you are single, and that you'll live in Hillerød.

Hillerød isn't expensive at all. The municipality itself is an average municipality regarding taxation, and you cannot find the housing prices cheaper unless you'll stay in the countryside. In that case, the commuting will be a problem as public transport can be a challenge in Denmark - and expensive.

I'll absolutely recommend you to look for a housing in Hillerød.



Nellie Berg wrote:

Many, many people in Denmark can only dream of such a pay. I too  ;)

If we take that the yearly income is 1,056.000 DKK, the tax in 2017 will amount to 495,000 DKK.
This calculation is based on the information that you are single, and that you'll live in Hillerød.

Hillerød isn't expensive at all. The municipality itself is an average municipality regarding taxation, and you cannot find the housing prices cheaper unless you'll stay in the countryside. In that case, the commuting will be a problem as public transport can be a challenge in Denmark - and expensive.

I'll absolutely recommend you to look for a housing in Hillerød.


Hi Nellie

Thank you for your information. I read something online about foreigner with certain income or researcher can have better tax rate. Is your calculation using that special tax rate? Because all the calculator online are in danish and I don't understand any at all, so i couldn't figure out the actual tax amount.

My concern is because I have a home in US and i am paying $5000 usd = 31,000 DKK per month for the mortgage + maintenance. Based on your calculation, my after-tax is 561,000 DKK, which equals to ~41,000 DKK/month. I am only left with 10,000 DKK after deducting US expense.  :o

Do you have any idea on how much is renting a 1 to 2 bedroom place in Hillerød?


Nellie Berg

The calculation is based on the mere income without any deductions, as a single who isn't a member of the state church (folkekirken).

Resultat af skatteberegningen med de indtastede tal
Personoplysninger    Skatteyder
Civilstand    Enlig
Fødselsdato og -år    31.01.1960
Medlem af folkekirken    Nej
Antal børn født senest 1/1 2017 og er under 18 år pr. 31. december 2017    Ingen børn
Bopælskommune pr. 5-9-2016    Hillerød Kommune
Skattekort gyldigt fra (dag og måned) (f.eks. 1. juli: 0107)
Trækprocent    45
Månedsfradrag    4.673
14-dagsfradrag    2.156
Ugefradrag    1.078
Dagfradrag    153
Indkomst og fradrag
Lønindkomst mv.
AM-bidrag A-indkomst    -84.480
Personlig indkomst i alt    971.520
Beskæftigelsesfradrag    -30.000
Ligningsm. fradrag i alt    -30.000
Skattepligtig indkomst    941.520
Beregnede skatter
AM-bidrag 8,00%    84.480,00
Bundskat 10,08%    97.929,22
Topskat    70.196,98
Sundhedsbidrag 2,00%    18.830,40
Kommuneskat    241.029,12
Skatteværdi bund.    -4.536,00
Skatteværdi sundh.    -900,00
Skatteværdi komm.    -11.520,00
Samlet skat, inkl. AM-bidrag    495.509,72
Forskudsskat der indeholdes som AM-bidrag hos arbejdsgiver    -84.480,00
Forskudsskat til opkrævning som A-skat og B-skat mv.    411.029,72

If you are qualified to be taxated as a researcher
(I understand you will), then the taxation will be lower.

Before taxation, paid rents, but not repayment, of mortgage can be deducted in the income. I would contact SKAT to learn more about this issue. … ;x=2185462

It's always more or less a problem to find housings why I always recommend expats to ask the employer for assistance.

Just examples: … 103302862/ … amp;type=3
(There are no such apartments on Linde Alle. The apartment is situated at the corner Frederiksværksgade and Tulstrupvejen).
Actually, I would say that the apartment Slangerupsgade is within a walking distance from the job and in the centre of Hillerød. It is only a sublease for less than a year, but is might be perfect as a beginning as only subleases are furnished.



Thank you so much.

Definitely will ask employer for some help for housing.

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