
Help ...... scared :)

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HI my name is Barry and I am thinking of moving and either working or setting up my own Business in Czech.

I have two small children aged 7 and 2 and of course my beautiful Czech wife :)

Don't really know where to start .... housing ?? Schooling ?? I am moving from the uk.

Any help or advice would be greatly accepted.

Thank you all


See also

Living in Czech Republic: the expat guideMatolekNewbieIndian and Bengali community in BrnoLooking for friendsHallo, any indonesian here?

Hi Barry, firstly, don't be scared. The Czech Rep is lovely - made lovelier with a Czech wife I'm sure. Where are you moving to? I haven't lived in Prague, we live on the other side of the country. I would say it's a far superior place to live than the UK. Get friends and you'll never want to move back!


Morning.  Many thanks for your reply and reassuring words :)  looking at near Prague at the moment as would need to find Work.  Did you move to Czech and if so where from.  Was the process simple enough or anything that I should watch out for ?  We have been on Holiday there many times but the thought of a permanent move is daunting to say the least :)  many thanks for your time.



Hi, while I have been browsing this site just out of personal interest I have noticed some ppl saying that finding work in Prague can be quite difficult... I don't know though. My husband came here with a job and it pays well enough for us both to live off so I am lucky enough to just tutor in English locally to where we live and that's fine for us... basically saying I don't know much about Prague. What I will say is Prague is gorgeous. In the city in Vinohradska area it's residential and very friendly and easy to get public transport everywhere. Ppl who want houses move to the periphery of Prague within half an hour and get a car or use the tram lines which be just as easy as getting a car.
My other thought is have you looked into the town of Brno or Novy Jicin? They are nice towns, oh and of course Ostrava. Ostrava is fun but quite industrial. Moving south is what we did pretty quickly. Though in town you'll find tonnes of work as an ESL teacher without qualifications. Ppl want 'native speakers' and once you're in the loop finding work's pretty easy. Obviously the problem is that you're at ppl's whim as o whether or not you work. Enough about that, not sure what you do for a living.

Oh and I also wanted to say that this country is very child friendly - in that ppl are friendly towards kids. They reminded me of ppl from the middle east, just very kind and caring (just without the pushiness like ppl from hot countries).

Equally one pointer is that this country is quite renowned for being full of unsmiling ppl. That's just the way they are out here. I think they make up for it with a great sense of humor similar to the british - dark and cynical but sharp and witty. And once you are friends with ppl they are good friends. Unlike in the south of Europe where you have million friends instantly and then they all stab you in the back just as quickly... stereotypes I know but pretty true!

OK. Gotta go. I rarely have as much time to type. Feel like I have a pen pal. lol

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