
why do you want to move to Northern Ireland

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I am curious , to posters from Phillipines, Africa etc., with NO family ties, why do want to move to Northern Ireland.  Is it for the gov't benefits.  Health care is already in crisis with influx of EU citizens.

See also

Living in Northern Ireland: the expat guideDual citizenshipNew members of the Northern Ireland forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025Recherche d'emploiIrish Passport

We live in England and our reasons potentially are being able to afford the house with a big garden that we could never afford here.
Want to be mortgage free if possible


I think Uster is changing for the better! It's such a beautiful part of the island!
There's much more to see apart from the Giant Causeway and the Titanic musuem lol
But on top of that the accent is so unique and appealing :):):)