
Yoga is more than mere physical exercise!

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Dr. GpB

I am a yoga teacher from India...just arrived in Canada...and I'm shocked that people here consider yoga as mere physical exercise! Yoga is more than is a means to quieten your mind so you can, in due course, travel within and know yourself to be a child of immortal bliss - a soul living in a flesh body temple.

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I have recently arrived in Toronto and I have being studying Yoga with a Japanese master for 20 yrs. I agree with you 100%. I have gone to many different yoga studios and they are all prety much the same. You will get a good physical workout but wont practice much yoga.
Yoga means to unite - body, mind and spirit. All talk about breathing but none practice a connection with breath and study through Breath. So many are preoccupied with physical contorsions of the body and the funny thing is that people believe this is yoga and if you can do this you are some kind of high level yogi. Yoga is an internal study. The physical movements are to put you in contact with your condition in order to embrace it and improve. I never heard any teacher make any reference to any element of the spiritual nature of yoga. It is more of the westerner taking something with a rich tradition and popularising it to make a good buisness


Welcome on the forum eugen ;)


How does  Meditation Yoga differ from autogenic relaxation be it Auto hypnosis...and wher do you access such places to train the mind ?

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