Opportunities for Aussie passport holders

I'm an Aussie passport holder... how are the job opportunities in the UK. Especially in the IT sales industry.
How easy or difficult is it to come and invest some money on a business?

Could be  a little difficult with the brexit scheme coming on. One of the reasons people voted for it was immigration, jobs for locals.

Makes sense... but what if someone wants to come and start a business.. and create jobs for locals?

Brexit is most likely to affect the free movement of people around the EU, rather than affecting immigration from non EU countries.  People were erroneously led to believe that leaving the UK would somehow stop the situation where people attempt to enter the country in trucks, etc., without realising that a lot of immigration law is international.

There is an argument to say that a reasonable amount of immigration is healthy - immigrants are usually young, often skilled.  Most want to work and send money to their families.  This counters the year on year increase in people over the retirement age, who are no longer economically productive, yet who use state services (NHS, for example).  Regarding the 'jobs for the locals' thing; in my experience, British workers are no longer happy to do 'menial work' such as cleaning, care of older people and other low paid service industry roles.  Immigrants have increasingly filled these roles, over the last few years  - they are often the only applicants.  The I worked in social care, we were unable to recruit British workers to do home care and yet would have complaints about the number of Eastern European carers.

Enough already!!  If you want to start a business in the UK, this link may provide you with useful information.  If you are coming to invest, obtaining a visa shouldn't be too challenging.


Non EU immigration to the UK might become easier as new trade agreements come into being.
I see the commonwealth getting a new life.