Anyone retired to Japan from U.S?


I moved from Tokyo to the East Coast 1987 - became a citizen about 20 years ago. 

I want to retire overseas - the USA is not a place to live happy after the retirement and I came across this site.  I am hoping to exchange information on the retirement overseas.

I already checked out similar lists of recommended places.  Also I want to meet someone who successfully went back or live in Japan after the retirement.


Hello Nut_Ella

Your thread is now on the Japan Forum. To increase your chances to response, you should post on the destination forum.

Many from the U.S choose Costa Rica for retiring. Feel free to browse through the destinations and check out the Forum section as well as the Expat Guide section, found under Handy Tools.


I retired to Sapporo about 3 years ago.  Just bought a house.  I'm very happy here.  My only problem is I haven't worked hard enough to learn Japanese.  You're welcome to ask me any questions you like.  I am a 70 year old American guy, married to a Japanese wife.

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Thanks but it's way too hot there for me.
Good luck.

Hi,  I retired to Yokohama back in 2013 and love it here.  I checked out Cost Rica and Ecuador, but both places were a lot of expats living in the same place and mainly sticking together.  I wanted to be where I would live with the locals.  Where I live in Yokohama I am the only foreigner in my condo.  Like the other respondent I am almost 70 and plan on staying here.  You can read about my life here in Japan at my blog    I also am having a hard time with the language, but am managing ok.  If you plan on visiting Japan I write for Japan Travel and you can read my articles at
Hope this helps some.

Hi Reywatwrite

I am planning to do the move to Japan thing soon too.  At 65 I am feeling it is the only way I am going to get any real language under my belt.

My Japanese wife is from Osaka so that's where we will reside. Not that far from Yokohama. 

I am interested in the fact that you are working in the field that you are without much Japanese language. How did you land that job? I plan to work largely online hopefully (I am a psychologist) and also do the teaching English thing that a lot of expats do. I can work in the international school sector as English is the primary language used therein and I have good contacts in one such school in Osaka. But that will only be sessional work and will not I think be enough to sustain us.

If you are so inclined I would value chatting with you from time to time ahead of our move. I would value your insights re the move and your struggle with the language etc . We are currently still in Australia. 

If you are open to me chatting with you please reply here or to ***

Kind regards


Moderated by Priscilla 6 years ago
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I was born in Tokyo, raised in California and now 58.  I'm thinking the same thing.  I have my attorney over there now researching for me.

I am from the US and also married to a wonderful Japanese lady.  I am still working in another part of the world but will retire in Japan in a few years (I hope).  I searched the forum for attorneys in the US that speak Japanese but didn't find anything so thought maybe this would be a good spot to ask my question.  I want to get my will updated and all of my retirement/banking is in the US.  Does anyone know of an attorney in the US that can handle these things and also include it in the Japanese language?  When I Google, I get all kinds of hits other than what I am seeking.

I did not think about Hawaii, thanks.  My wife has left her home and followed me around the world with my work and now it is time for her.  I love the area where she lives and we plan to purchase a home outside the city just a bit.  She is getting everything together for the residence visa.  I have used healthcare in Japan and the only thing that I was a bit surprised of was the cost of RX's.  I thought it was a little high but probably not as bad as the US.

Hello and thank you for your post. I have just turned 60 so it is lovely to see friends around the world around my age and see how they are thriving. No one believes my age and to be perfectly honest I think we are all the ages that we have lived and so I can really enjoy any person I meet and especially cherish individuals my own age who lead really fascinating lives like my own. Great conversation!