How and Where to apply for Vietnamese Citizenship?

We left Vietnam during war in 1975.....lived in America since. We have American passports.

We are currently in Vietnam and plan to apply Vietnamese Citizenship. We still kept our birth certificates from Vietnam..... so we hope the process would be easy for us.

If anyone has gone thru this process before, please help explain so we may understand.

Thank you so very much for reading this request,
Tien Tran

I've never been through it, but read extensively about it because I was considering it at one point.  Your first step will be to talk to your local Vietnamese embassy in the US.  There are 3 Vn embassies in the U.S., each with a page dedicated for this process.  Just search "restore Vietnamese citizenship" on one of their sites.  I would link it, but I think this site delays showing it until they approve it. 

Also note that there was a grace period that the Vn gov't officially allowed this, but that expired back in 2014.  I read somewhere that there was a proposal to extend it to 2019, but not sure if it went through.  Again, your best bet is to contact your local embassy.

Dear Thuy Tien,

I just heard this information from a friend, who also in same case like yours. He shared with me that for recover Vietnamese citizenship, you have to connect to some relatives in Vietnam, prove that the address which you used to stay before leaving Vietnam, and that relative has to be your guardian in this process. And also you have to pay some fee for agency or some service charge.

Hope it''s helpful to you.


Nguyệt Bảo

Hi Tien,

I haven't gone through this process, but:

1. Where is your hometown?
The place on your birth certificate.

WHERE to apply is the Department of Justice of the province/city which is your hometown.

in the law: … emid=10451

Thank you All.....we are currently in HCMC, VN.  I've just got off the phone with a representative who works for the department of Naturalization and Citizenship.  He told me the same thing that @shina_tina. had responded above.

Basically, I need a relative in HCMC who will act as my sponsor.  Since we have the birth certificate with this same address, it will take only 2 years to get it. The first thing they grant is what it's called "Ta.m chu', Ta.m va('ng".....meaning that you now resides at the address with your relative....while the paperwork "Ho.i Kha^~u" is in process. This takes 2 years.

Painful, but if anyone who knows if a FASTER way, please let me know.  I got this straight from the "horse's mouth "


ksr2x wrote:

I've never been through it, but read extensively about it because I was considering it at one point.  Your first step will be to talk to your local Vietnamese embassy in the US.  There are 3 Vn embassies in the U.S., each with a page dedicated for this process.  Just search "restore Vietnamese citizenship" on one of their sites.  I would link it, but I think this site delays showing it until they approve it. 

Also note that there was a grace period that the Vn gov't officially allowed this, but that expired back in 2014.  I read somewhere that there was a proposal to extend it to 2019, but not sure if it went through.  Again, your best bet is to contact your local embassy.

I think there is only 1 Vietnamese Embassy in the USA in Washington DC, the other two must be Consulate General and Consulate.

I just submitted my paper work, and it should take about 2 to 3 months to get my citizenship.

It's somewhat complicated and it's hard to explain in a post. I'm in hcm too. We could meet up and I'll explain everything to you.

Hi nace186.......I have been running around with very little progress.  It's GREAT to hear that you are in the same situation as we are.  ***

Let me see if I can bounce a private message to you with my phone number.  Give me a call.


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I understand this is an old post, but if you have a moment, please let me know where to go to get the process started.

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