
New members of the Kenya forum, introduce yourself here — 3rd quarter of 2016


Hi all,

Newbie on the Kenya forum? Don’t know how to start?

This thread is for you ;)

We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on your expat projects in Kenya if you are planning to move there.

It will enable us to help you better but above all to wish you a warm welcome.

Welcome on board!

PD : The thread New members of the Kenya forum, introduce yourself here – 2nd quarter of 2016 continues below!

See also

Living in Kenya: the expat guideWhatsApp groupDating and finding love as an expat in KenyaChild free living in KenyaTeaching Empowerment Self-Defense

hi everyone am Faith born in Kenya and lives in Nairobi Am new here and would love to make new friends and share interests and get introduced to new ones.


Hi everybody! My name is Andrea, I'm from the Netherlands and I'm planning to move to Nairobi together with my husband and my baby daughter Stella (she is only 8 weeks old right now!) We are looking for a small apartment / two rooms / little garden house that we can rent from the 1st of November. And of course we would love to make new friends and share interests! Looking forward to meet you guys! Warm regards, Andrea


Hello Everyone, I am a Kenyan citizen, lives in Nairobi, area, I am here to network and make new friends too!
To the new people in Kenya, welcome aboard!!!


Hi guys, I am Tanya from Dallas, Texas. I'm engaged to a Kenyan (getting married in October 2016) and will be moving over in June of next year after my graduation from university. I am hoping to meet and make friends with other expats and Kenyans. I am so looking forward to the big move! :-D

cats africa

Moderated by Christine 8 years ago
Reason : promoting your services on the forum is not allowed.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

I'm a kenyan who's lived most of his life abroad primarily the middle East, UAE.  I  now reside in Nairobi having started my own business would love to meet people from all walks of life. I love watching and playing sports specifically golf. Also a travel fanatic willing to go anywhere any time.

Damaris Gesare

Welcome to Kenya, I look forward to making friends with you.


Thanks Damaris! Have a great weekend.

Damaris Gesare

You're welcome. Have a lovely weekend too.


Hi Andrea,
oe gaat het met je? Ik ben een Keniaanse leven in den haag . Als je hulp nodig hebt laat het me weten .

Please let me know I live in 2517 TV

Paul Ketterer

i am an old Kaburu resident ...since 1995 in EA as Missionary for Dr.Rudolf Steiners Bio-dynamic agro development and  WHO/MDG Volunteer.


Am Victor in Kenya would love to meet people from all walks of life to be friends with


Hey guys, im Magdalena from Italy, i arrived this week and I am spending the next 6 months in Nairobi. Im interested in if there are events or activities where one can meet new people :) Thank you so much :)


Hi,how are you doing i hope you are Athman from kenya and am a businessman i would like to us to get to know each other better i can help you on finding the best place for your holiday with your family,i also deal with real estate you can also own a property in kenya for a good price..i hope God willing we will get to know each other.have a great time bye for now.


HI am Gikonyo, a Kenyan who can assist with Kenyan permits. I can also assist in settling finding proper housing, affordable furniture. I can also in assist or advice in getting various services that you may require like  banking services, Internet, insurance, security, transport services, tours and travel services within the country


hey everyone!  Aan grace or a citizen of kenya.i would love to make friends and share ny interests.thank you.

Victor Onyango

hi everyone,

I'm Nyakachunga a resident of Nairobi, Kenya. I'm a freelance property broker and love interacting with people of diverse cultures. looking forward to interact with you all.


Hi Guys!

My name is Susan born and live in Kenya. I moved back from Australia where I worked as a social trainer with individuals that have Intellectual Disabilites, mental health and challenging behavior. My desire is to employ the skills that I learned working with special needs and mental health individuals here in Kenya.

I love to help people, so any chance I can get to strengthen someone mentally or socially that makes me excited and fulfilled .

Besides that I am a born again Christian and an actively serve at my church.

I am excited to join this forum and hopefully make friends and do business.

Much Love


Hi Susan. I work in a nursing home or home for the aged which I started 2 and a half years ago after relocating back to Kenya from Denmark whereby I partinered with a doctor. Mostly the aged residing in the home are dementia/alzermize disease cases whereby they require 24hrs care. We have also teamed up with autism kids who require special attention. You can get in touch with me we can discuss.



cats africa

Hi Suzie, Jambo!


Greetings Everyone!

I trust you are in good health. I am Pauline, a Kenyan and mother of one and hoping to make new friends here. Thanks and best wishes!


Best wishes and blessings as you plan for your wedding.


Hello People,
Am Aqieel, A Kenyan Indian.
Am here to meet new people, help them settle in and above all make friends.

Il be humbled in providing any assistance if required


Hello,I am Muthoni,I am here to Network and I also provide Home stay kind of accommodation for people who are visiting Nairobi either long term or short term.I would also love to make new friends and learn.


omwoyo oj

Moderated by Bhavna 8 years ago
Reason : Please do not promote your own services on the forum. Kindly register in the Kenya business directory. Thank you
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct
samuel mombasa

hi, am samuel from Mombasa  am work  in tourism industry, i both do tour guiding. swimming and Diving instructor. i do also Mombasa excursion. your most welcome to Mombasa.


Hi everyone,
i live in Italy, and work in a school here although i am a clinical psychologist.
i'm in that phase of life where i'm seriously considering to move abroad and start a new life, and my love for Kenya has brought me to consider this place.
i hope i will have the chance to make it at some point!!!! :)

omwoyo oj

I help expatriates plan, move and settle in Kenya successfully and seamlessly.


Please, help me then!!!!

Mwamba J

Hi everyone, i am new here and working with a humanitarian agency.
I love cycling and i love cycling. Is there a cycling club preferably Lower Kabete?

omwoyo oj

Hi! I live in lower kabete but I have not heard of any.


Hi! I am sure then you can answer on my article question! I am about to move to Nairobi for some time also, only if i get the answer correct!


MagdaLu wrote:

Hey guys, im Magdalena from Italy, i arrived this week and I am spending the next 6 months in Nairobi. Im interested in if there are events or activities where one can meet new people :) Thank you so much :)

Maybe you are the right person to answer my Query! Please check my article question! Thanks! And hope to know you more :)



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