New in Stuttgart

Hi All,

Ich heiße Nitesh und komme aus Indien. Mein deutsch ist nicht so gut. I would like to make friends here if possible and also practice my german :)


Nitesh, I applaud your desire to improve your German skills, but please, not on the Anglophone forum out of respect for our other members.  This is mentioned in the forum code of conduct.   Thanks

Romaniac Experts Team

Welcome to Stuttgart, Nitesh - and congrats for your German abilities.
(Remark: It is o.k. to post in German if you add the English translation - otherwise our moderators would not know what you said and thus have to delete your post!)
There are many activities of all kinds in Stuttgart, but if you feel energetic and want to add one of your own, you may organise an gathering. Contact me if you are interested!