
Violent deaths surge in Brazil

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Cabo Frio

Nearly 59,000 people suffered violent deaths in Brazil in 2014 - a 5% increase from 2013, which also was a record year. 30 murders pr 100,000 citizens in Brazil - world average is 7. US has 4,7 and most European countries are below 1.

Brazil is a big country so some parts are worse than others with North east, not surprisingly, worst. Joao Pessoa is now ranked as the 4th most dangerous city in the world with 79 murders pr 100,000 - quite surprisingly since it is not that big of a city with a population of app 750,000 … ent-cities

See also

Living in Brazil: the expat guideBeach TrikeBrazil Visitor E-Visa Is OnlineDigital Nomad Visa RenewalBringing animals ( dogs and cats) to Brazil

Nothing new for Brazil, it's been this way for years. There is really not a great deal to be concerned about since most murders in Brazil are drug related (i.e. drug traffickers killing competitors or users who don't pay up) or husbands/wives/lovers killing one another.

There are very few expats killed in Brazil, and generally speaking when they are, they fall into one of the above categories. Expats are more at risk of being killed in traffic accidents in Brazil than anything else. Of course you should always follow the common sense safety tips that one would follow anywhere in the world. A comprehensive list of those rules can be found in my topic:

A Gringo's Survival Guide to Brazil

James    Expat-blog Experts Team


It is a sad situation when there are as many murders in this country in ONE YEAR as all of the combat deaths of US military personnel in the ENTIRE Vietnam War (1961-1975). That said, Brazil does not have the highest murder rate in Central and South America.

There are very few "stranger" murders in Brazil. The perpetrator is almost always known to (or related to) the victim. There rarely ever are tourist murdered while staying in Brazil for short periods, but they do happen. One must always use caution.

I don't want this topic to give the impression that one should not come to Brazil as a tourist. The Brazilian news reports about the murder rates are always quite sensationalistic. They neglect completely to tell the complete truth, which is, that around 70 percent of the murders are drug/organized crime related and the remaining 30 percent are mostly husband/wife/lover killings.

Tourists in Brazil are in no greater danger of being murdered than they would be when travelling to most other countries, so there really is no need for alarm. I have lived in Brazil, in 5 different states, for almost 14 years now and never been the victim of any crime. I have always lived in areas that are considered lower working class areas (i.e. areas of higher risk) and even so have never had any problems at all. I don't do things that would make me a target for crime and treat everyone around me with respect. That's the key to safety in Brazil... use your head, follow the safety tips I've given and treat people here decently, they'll treat you the same way.

James    Expat-blog Experts Team


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