
New members of Scotland forum, introduce yourself here — 4th quarter of 2015

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Newbie on Scotland forum? Don’t know how to start?

This thread is for you ;)

We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on your expat projects in Scotland if you are planning to move there.

It will enable us to help you better but above all to wish you a warm welcome.

Welcome on board!

P.S : The thread
New members of Scotland forum, introduce yourself here – 3rd quarter of 2015 continues below!

See also

Living in Scotland: the expat guideLooking for friends!We are going to Lanarkfilipinos leaving in elgin scotlandLooking for friends!!

Hi I want to come in Scotland. It is easy to find a work in Glasgow?


Hi! I am completely new to this kind of forum, so please bear with me.  I am not currently living in Scotland, but planning on moving in later summer of 2016.  I'm interested in other's experiences and finding any resources that might help to ease the transition.  I have lived abroad before but had a built in network of support.  This is going to be a very different experience and will be a long term move.  Looking forward to learning more and getting to know some people in similar situations!



i'm Matteo and i from Pisa..
I and my wife will be arriving to Scotland (will hope) around may or june 2016.
I working now in a Hotel**** in Pisa ( i have a degree in sciences of Turism).

we would like to know some information about an appartament or flat in Aberdeen, any information for found a work.

thank you in advance

Matteo e Oana


I am from Scotland and have been travelling back and forth to Tunisia this year.  I had been sick for a couple of weeks.  Today, I was so happy when I was given clearance to fly.   Tomorrow I will be back in my most favourite place.  In the Sun, warmth, and with  my Tunisian friends.  I have found so many lovely friendly people there.


Hi Matteo e Oana,
I used to live in Italy and miss it terribly!  I had been looking in the Aberdeen area a while back and this is one of the sites I found most helpful when searching for reasonable housing.  That area is expensive.  Hope you find this helpful


Bonjour Julien enfin je crois.

Je voudrais vivre dans ce pays qui est l'Ecosse qui me m'attire depuis toujours.Il en ressort des valeurs, des coutumes qui sont encore présentes et cela me plait et j'ai envie d'élever mon fils dans ce sens là. Chose que nous n'avons plus en France. D'un niveau encore plus personnelle j'ai besoin de changer ma vie .Voila . J parle un anglais moyen+ je me débrouille . J'aimerai savoir comment m’organiser pour réaliser ce souhait. Est ce que je dois trouver un job avant ou un appartement . L'organisation du déménagement. Ecole bilingue pour mon fils qui est en cours élémentaire en France. Voilà.

Thank you very much for your help . I mustn't do something wrong for my son.
Best regards. fanny


Hi all, I'm Isolde.

I'm Dutch, my wife is English, and we've been living in Toronto, Canada for the past 5 years. We intend to move to Scotland in the summer, since we are about to try to conceive our first child together, and we want our future children to be close enough that they can visit their grandparents regularly. I'm an aerospace engineer, and my wife is a maths teacher so I'm hoping it won't be too hard to find jobs, and obviously we are at an advantage because we don't need to get a visa beforehand. Just now, we are looking at moving to Edinburgh, but Aberdeen is also an option.



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Articles to help you in your expat project in Scotland

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