
New members of Australia forum, introduce yourself here — 4th quarter of 2015

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Newbie on Australia forum? Don’t know how to start?

This thread is for you ;)

We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on your expat projects in Australia if you are planning to move there.

It will enable us to help you better but above all to wish you a warm welcome.

Welcome on board!

P.S : The thread
New members of Australia forum, introduce yourself here – 3rd quarter of 2015 continues below!

See also

Living in Australia: the expat guideI want to have Australian friends.TSS 482 dependant visaInternational student looking for a jobFrom Singapore to Australia?

I may get my PR by feb 2015
Basically I am into data warehousing.
Anyone with the same profile?


Sorry abt the date :)  may be by April 2016,I might be able to fly.

I can be your hero

Hello everyone,

I am new in this forum. I am an Australian from Bulacan and Mindoro. I am currently finishing my master's degree and I own a startup company. I hope everyone is fine and I look forward to chatting with you. Ingat lang kayo wherever you go and whatever you do.


Hi guys my Name is Sabo K. Sini.  I just graduated with B. Tech in Surveying and Geoinformatics and Australia have always been my dream Country, so I really look forward to working and if possible forward my education to PhD level in Australia. But at the moment don't really know how to go about it. Thank you.


Hey guys!

Hope everyone's doing great. Moving to Brisbane on the 18th October :)


i'm mohamed and i'll move to Melbourne i hope after 2 month so any advice for me


Hello everybody my name is Efren Malinao, I like to work in Australia. I have a contract but I will go Australia with tourist visa but with work permit as per my agency. anybody give advise about this my situation,thank you.

Moses Ruo Samuel

Am Moses Ruo Samuel, i live in kenya and i would like to work in australia, I have degree in business finance an accounts, and some other accounts related certificates, currently am working as a cashier in tusker mattresess retail shop in Nairobi. Kindly please help, thanks.


Hi SueSuki introducing myself!
I am from UK have lived in Perth Australia for over 8 years. Happy to answer questions  :)


Iam salih electrical engineer and communications expert ,I had worked in this field for 16 years ,and also I had worked in electrical network(over head lines ,under ground cables)(11-33-132)KV.I have wide informations and expert in design and built power statsion for low voltges or high voltages,I have expert in design by AUTo cad systems two and three dimensions,I worked in electrical feild netwoks , power stations ,transformers,C.B.s,under ground cables 11-33 KV,for 15 years.I had built about 2000 transfomers in my country and about 10000km OVERHEAD LINES,I WORKED AS MANGER FOR 30 BIG PROJECT IN ELECTRICAL DISRIBUTION FIELD,I also worked as supervisor for 12 project.Also I have expert in teaching field beacuse I worked as teacher for math,physics,chemistry,I had bachelor in electrical and communication engineering , diploma in math.
want live in AU becuase my county full by bloods war and any one want to create new think will killed because our leaders have an poor mind and they interest only by their profits so I want to leave this land and never get back again ,I want to have my master degree in electrical engineering but they didnot except me they want who have mony my childern now teaching by me and school ruined and dirty there is no good learning and there is no safe and future in my country please try to help me and my family ,Now there is big bomb and fire gun in our street and any one go to work may be not come back ,I threated for alot of time and I solved my problms by trible traditions not by govermant


I am not currently away from home, i was in California for 14 years (Monterey and carmel area)
I Travel a lot in SE Asia and i suspect i will live there quite soon.
I run a very small business and my passion is travel, travel in Asia.
I have spent some time in China (mainland and Taiwan..LOVE Taiwan)
I speak a pretty poor thai but my goal is to improve my reading and vocabulary.
I am Single (big stupid smiley face!)
my teen-age children and their mother, on a whim, moved from australia to Dallas Fort Worth Texas, where they live, for now.
I hope i can make some friends, i am not a hotel museum traveller. i like to try to be a local if i can. Thats why I am here!


@ I can be your hero:

I shall be moving to Australia in another month or so and I have been thinking about opening up a business there. Could we talk?


certainly. do you have line or wechat?


I am a young Sudanese I would like to live in Australia to improve my situation's living now, I could not marry because of poverty in my cuntery my fiancee want to leave me, but I promised him to Australia in order to work there please help me.
thank you
brother Araki


i am a 21 year old male with dreams of going to practice the theories and practical aspects i have learnt in my years at the local university in Australia as it is re-corned to be one of the leading countries when it comes to agricultural aspects and also in the hopes of bettering myself in the field of Agricultural Economics and Development.

Danito Baby

I am a 26years old  boy and holds a Bsc in computing with Accounting. I will want to further my education in a different country of which I choose Australia.

phạm thu nguyệt

hello. i am nguyet from viet nam. i am 20 and studying animal science( mainly breeding). i am looking for a chance to study master degree in australia , a short course or a job suitable for me. thanks for reading!

P. Madhurika Hashani

I'm Madhurika Hashani from sri Lanka. I just completed agriculture special degree at Eastern University. I would like to study further in my dream country, Australia and also I would like to build career related to agriculture in Australia. I will sure my dream will come true ever..

alaga saala

Hello. I'm kevin from Nigeria. I want to relocate to Australia with my family. I'm a businessman and my wife is a medical doctor. And,also i have a daughter she is 8 yrs old she is also in primary 4. Please any advice on how to go about it will be highly appreciated.

Akwasi paaye

Anybody with opportunities available to travel to Australia is welcome to share with me .. Currently living in Ghana, i hold a Bsc in Business Administration.  send me a message looking for Australian friends as well. Thanks

Moderated by kenjee 9 years ago
Reason : For own security measures, please do not share email address on the forum, you could use our private message system for that.
Akwasi paaye

New here

Akwasi paaye

phạm thu nguyệt wrote:

hello. i am nguyet from viet nam. i am 20 and studying animal science( mainly breeding). i am looking for a chance to study master degree in australia , a short course or a job suitable for me. thanks for reading!

Currently in Ghana. I really want to read my masters too in Australia ofcourse but the tuition fees are too much for me.

Akwasi paaye

SueSuki wrote:

Hi SueSuki introducing myself!
I am from UK have lived in Perth Australia for over 8 years. Happy to answer questions  :)

Any comments for someone trying to move to Australia ?


Hi guys. I arrived 2 months back on 2 year work visa. Would like to make friends and socialise.

alaga saala

I'm kevin Nnabuike from Nigeria. I want to relocate to Australia with my family, am businessman and,also my wife is medical doctor working in Nigeria.

We need your advice on how to relocate to Australia and,also job opportunities for my wife as a medical doctor.

thanks in anticipation of your reply.

Moderated by kenjee 9 years ago
Reason : For own security measures, please do not share email address on the forum, you could use our private message system for that.

Hi all, I am Shawn from Singapore and I have returned to Brisbane. Any friends in Brisbane who like to gather for a good chat and food please feel free to invite me :)

Look forward to all mates here.

musa aliyi

hello,every body my Musa I'm live in Ethiopia
and  I want to go Australia. I do have bsc degree in food science & post harvest management. I'm very happy if I got a chance to participate on forum.



.    I would like to go and work Australia. Now I graduated in both bachelor's degree and Master's degree. However  I would prefer to go there because I want to filled my working experience in aboard and I want to develop my English skill.

Thank You So Much



My name is Olufunke Ogunseinde I'm a Nigerian. I work with The Punch Newspapers as an advert Executive. I have a B.A History, Masters of Public Administration and presently winding up with Masters in Industrial and Labour Relations. I hope to relocate to Australia to further broaden my horizon in all ramification.

Thank you!


Hi guys, my name is Steven. I'm From Indonesia. I just finish my study so I am a fresh graduate. my major is tourism.
I am currently looking an overseas job in Australia. I hope u guys can help me or reference me to your company.
if you all have any info job for fresh graduate please info me. or send me email ***
thank you very much


Hey all- Born & bred Melbournian here. Have recently returned home after living & working in Asia for the past three years- which was a wonderful cultural adventure.  :)
Made tons of great local friends who made me feel very welcome & showed me all the different sides of life & culture. Experiences which I never would have had if I'd only stayed in the comfort circle of other expats from home.
If I can return the courtesy and help any expats or people travelling through Melbourne - I'd be very happy to help you get the most of your time here. I can't really offer any help with visas etc. But I know this beautiful city like the back of my hand- so if you need help with anything else, or even want to meet a local in the city for a coffee & chat to get some tips & pointers etc.  Let me know.
Enjoy Melbourne. :)


I would like to be sponsored to come to Australia so that I can come and work as a social worker for a period of 1year  so that can gain new experience and also be of useful to both my country kenya and your own country Australia. I would be glad to hear from you. Thanks in advance
Nancy Ingaiza


Vorrei trasferirmi in Australia
Mi rendo conto di non essere giovane anagraficamente e la cosa mi preoccupa (chi mi conosce resta sbalordito quando poi dico la mia età....però ce l'ho e la cosa chiaramente non mi aiuta burocraticamente)
inoltre non conosco bene l'inglese
Ma il determinazione è davvero molto forte considerato che nonostante la mia età ho una bambina di appena 7 anni e come molti altri genitori chiaramente la mia decisione è rivolta a lei
Temo appunto soltanto di non riuscire considerato che ho compiuto 50 anni
Nessuno mi dà l'eta che ho però sui documenti c'è
Mi piacerebbe aprire una bar/caffetteria considerato che ho letto che se non si dimostra di poter avere un lavoro è praticamente quasi impossibile accedervi

Spero che qualcuno possa darmi qualche ragguaglio e......qualche speranza di potercela fare
un saluto a tutti

I would like to move to Australia
I realize that it is not young by birth and that worries me (who knows me is stunned when then say my age .... but I have it and it clearly does not help me bureaucratically)
also I do not know English well
But the determination is very strong considering that despite my age I have a little girl of 7 years and just as many other parents clearly my decision is addressed to her
I fear precisely only to fail since I turned 50
No one gives me the age that I though documents there
I'd like to open a coffee shop / café since I read that if this proves to be able to have a job is almost impossible access

I hope someone can give me some information (in italian language would be better)  and some hope ...... can do
hello to everyone


MariavittoriaR wrote:

Vorrei trasferirmi in Australia
Mi rendo conto di non essere giovane anagraficamente e la cosa mi preoccupa (chi mi conosce resta sbalordito quando poi dico la mia età....però ce l'ho e la cosa chiaramente non mi aiuta burocraticamente)
inoltre non conosco bene l'inglese
Ma il determinazione è davvero molto forte considerato che nonostante la mia età ho una bambina di appena 7 anni e come molti altri genitori chiaramente la mia decisione è rivolta a lei
Temo appunto soltanto di non riuscire considerato che ho compiuto 50 anni
Nessuno mi dà l'eta che ho però sui documenti c'è
Mi piacerebbe aprire una bar/caffetteria considerato che ho letto che se non si dimostra di poter avere un lavoro è praticamente quasi impossibile accedervi

Spero che qualcuno possa darmi qualche ragguaglio e......qualche speranza di potercela fare
un saluto a tutti

I would like to move to Australia
I realize that it is not young by birth and that worries me (who knows me is stunned when then say my age .... but I have it and it clearly does not help me bureaucratically)
also I do not know English well
But the determination is very strong considering that despite my age I have a little girl of 7 years and just as many other parents clearly my decision is addressed to her
I fear precisely only to fail since I turned 50
No one gives me the age that I though documents there
I'd like to open a coffee shop / café since I read that if this proves to be able to have a job is almost impossible access

I hope someone can give me some information (in italian language would be better)  and some hope ...... can do
hello to everyone

If you wish to post on the Italian section of this forum simply click on the flag icon at the top right hand corner of this page and select from the drop down box.

Andrea Rowe

I am 33yrs old. I am from Jamaica, I would like to work and live in Australia. I am willing to work on weekends and public holiday. I can do housekeeping, cashier, supervisor. And I am always ready to try new things i am also a very fast learner.


       My name is Grant, I am studying welding and I am looking to move to Australia or New Zealand depending on which one would be easier to get into. I love Australia and I have studied it extensively. I hope I can make Australia my future home.


MuhammadThabet wrote:

i'm mohamed and i'll move to Melbourne i hope after 2 month so any advice for me

Hello Mohamed.
Good luck with your new journey to OZ. I am also preparing to go there maybe by March 2015.
Good luck to all of us.  :top:

Dahir Deria

Hi everyone,
I'm Dahir Deria I'm from Somalia and am happy to join with I prepare to move in Australia soon



I invite you to follow this topic on this new thread:



Articles to help you in your expat project in Australia

All of Australia's guide articles