
Sport Fishing PNG



Will be starting work in Port Moresby probably by the 2nd week of October. Anyone working in the same company (sport fishing PNG)? Anyone working near Boroko area? I've been reading a lot about working in PNG and am looking forward to doing so. After reading around about living expenses in POM, I plan on just staying in my apartment most of the time in order to save up instead of spending too much during my stay.

How is working with the locals like? Do they treat expats well? Are they good team players? Any information about working with the locals will be well appreciated.

See also

Living in Papua New Guinea: the expat guidePharmacist jobPNG Minimum Salary for Filipino Secondary TeachersWorking in See To KuiI applied for a teaching post at PNG University of Technology
Carl bennett

U will love the people and broko is a bit of ruff place to walk around just get to know the locals in your compound and thay will help u get any think u need for a fee as all thinks there it all comes with a fee