Relocation information to Puerto Rico

I've read so much good info on relocating to PR but haven't seen anything about VA services there. I am a vet in a voc-rehab program who is considering finishing my education there. I want to do a MAT program to become a teacher. Already have a BS in sociology. I want to teach 1st to 3rd graders to read and to teach ESL as well. The west side sounds like where I want to be because of all I've been reading about it. I will have nearly $3000 to live on before teaching. I may not work full-time though, so that won't increase much.
Also what about healthcare for veterans, is there a VA hospital or what?

For whatever it's worth, the date is incorrect on my post. I must have set up the wrong time zone. One day ahead.

The main VA hospital is in Guaynabo close to Cupey (in the San Juan metro area). I've been satsified with care I received there but never had a real serious issue or had to stay overnight.

I did Voc Rehab as well, which paid for my law school tuition, but that wasn't through the VA in PR so I have no idea how good they are at administering the program there.

I believe there is a VA outpatient clinic in Ponce and I imagine there must be one on the west coast (maybe Mayaguez?). The VA webpage's locator tool will show you.

As far as wanting to be an ESL teacher in PR... I have no insight into the teaching profession there other than I know the public sector, especially education, is in shambles. I cannot opine on how that may affect you though. Good luck!

dag333 wrote:

Also what about healthcare for veterans, is there a VA hospital or what?

Yes, in San Juan.

Of course clicking here gives the info as well. :D